Selling On Amazon And Ebay范文[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“Selling On Amazon And Ebay ” 当涉及到电子商务时,没有什么比易趣和亚马逊更闻名。这两个是美国互联网上最受欢迎的在线销售企业。这篇营销范文讨论的是对于在易趣和亚马逊上如何销售。去年,eBay创造84.6亿美元的收入,而亚马逊也达到了历史高位。作为互联网营销,在eBay和亚马逊上销售是一种赚钱的方式。不过这不是一项容易的任务。在某种程度上,你会遇到竞争,缺乏市场需求,没有足够的客户等。但你知道如何驾驭这些挑战,通过在eBay和亚马逊销售进行盈利。如何找到好的商品,英语论文范文,很多公司家因为不懂生意,英语论文范文,而错失机会。()

We've had our first 'negative' experience since starting Not one, but two of our orders did not came back! Obviously we have had a few occasions where parcels have turned up late, nonetheless, in such cases a quick call to the customer has confirmed that the lens or camera has been returned and the delay is with the courier.

Not this time around.....despite all of our efforts we have been not able to contact the customer on the phone, email or letter, and we now have recognized that we're highly unlikely to retrieve our photography gear.

We've spent a couple of days feeling hopeful (maybe they will arrive!), frustrated, disappointed, angry and then very angry! I am now feeling resigned that this type of thing happens and hopeful the police, which are now involved, will have the ability to allow us to resolve this case.

As the whole experience leaves very bitter taste the only factor that we're certain of is the fact that we must learn from this experience. What will we do in order to minimise the danger without deterring customers from using our services? So what can we provide when it comes to delivery and collection which supplies added assurance our equipment is going to be sent back? What further inspections are we able to do ahead of time to flag potential risks? These are things that have now been pushed very rapidly towards the top of my 'to do' list!

Despite this slight setback we still love our business and helping our customers. We're ongoing to further develop the business and we our expanding our selection of equipment and our stock levels. We take great pride within the service we provide and we're getting receiving great customer feedback. We are starting new and exciting offers, we are keeping our website fresh with new ad banners and pages and we are working with our designers to ensure we are getting the most from our stock and our website.

And also the best little bit of news now....we hit number two for several key phrases around the search engines like Google - pretty good for a company which is not even 6 months old.
is a leader in UK lens hire and camera hire. You can go straight to through to view our lenses that we have available for rental here: We deliver our photography equipment country wide and offer pick up from our London based delivery partner in Twickenham.()

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