Nursing Acceptance Essay范文[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“Nursing Acceptance Essay”该论文讲述一名护理人员的理想。作为一个护理功能工作者,我将努力成为一名优秀的护士。我相信我的交流能力使我适合从事护理工作。我一直努力做好护理职业,因为我相信医学提供给我机会帮助他人,英语论文题目英语论文题目,充实生活,做有意义的事。

As a potential nursing student, I will strive to be a tremendous asset to Lehigh Carbon Community College by devoting all my time and life to becoming an excellent nurse. I believe that I am obligated to use my talents in a constructive manner, in a manner that benefits society. The medical career gives me the unique opportunity to express my many talents while benefiting human life. I believe that my ability to communicate makes me well suited to pursue a nursing career. While I possess the strong science background necessary for success in the profession, I also consider myself a “ people” person. 

As a waitress and a CNA, I dramatically improved and expanded my communication skills since I was constantly meeting new people and discussing different topics. Because people constantly disclosed their personal issues to me as a CNA, I learned to become not only a good conversationalist, but also an excellent listener. Highly motivated to succeed, I dramatically improved my grades following a time of confusion and turmoil, which was brought on due to a car accident in the fall of 2017. Once I realized what goal I wanted to pursue in life, I worked hard to succeed, and this last semester of schooling is truly indicative of my intellectual capacity and motivation for success. My strength as a candidate to Lehigh Carbon Community College’s Nursing Program lies mostly in the objectives that I plan to fulfill upon becoming a nurse. 

They are, in no particular order of importance, as follows: 1) To provide excellence in comprehensive care by using my acquired skills as both a competent professional and also as a compassionate human being. 2) To cultivate my leadership role both in the community of my practice and in the nation to formulate and maintain health care principles and advancements. 3) To imply the latest knowledge and techniques in detection and prevention of disease, and the restoration of health. 4) To show reverence for human beings by giving excellent care to all 5) To forever expand my knowledge through experience, continuing education courses, and research. I have been diligent in my pursuit of nursing as a career because I am convinced that medicine offers me the opportunity to live a fulfilling, rewarding life dedicated to helping others. 

I will enter the nursing program eager to learn and thirsting for the knowledge to help my fellow human beings. Attending Lehigh Carbon Community College’s Nursing Program would be one of the greatest rewards for my motivation and persistence for success. I swear to uphold and exceed all that is expected of a future nurse while promoting the progress of medicine and humanity. -X

