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Research on Democratic History of the United States Constitution范文(2)[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

Based on the 1787 Constitution of the United States, the United States, and the people , in eighteenth Century to nineteenth Century the first half of the year to repeal the election of property restrictions or tax limits for the goal of the "adult suffrage movement", in particular, after the first half of the nineteenth Century Jackson democratic era, the democratic foundation to strengthen. To the Lincoln Administration, it is clear to build a new government by the people,of the people and for the people . With the promotion of the importance of public interest, the abolition of slavery, the victory of women's suffrage, the development of the workers movement and the outbreak of civil rights movement, the democratic foundation of the United States has been consolidated, but each step is the result of intense conflict and confrontation ". Although after the 1791 accession bill of rights, especially in the Supreme Court of the constitution carefully explain and development that American constitutionalism politics gradually matured.(Heckelman, J. C. (2017). To form a more perfect union: A new economic interpretation of the united states constitution. The Journal of Economic History, 66(1), 255-257.)

In the contemporary era, the threat to democracy is no longer a hostile, but from an overly enthusiastic and celebrated democracy.This enthusiasm and praise, not for democracy to the appropriate location, but the elevation of democracy and freedom to keep pace with the extent, and in the name of democracy disguised prejudice, counteract free. So after the French Revolution, when free once again let is located in the extreme democracy, when democracy reduced to only the voice of the majority of people, when the sound is no longer the voice of justice, but the horror of the spell, the French Revolution of great democracy and terrorist doomed to repeat. The pursuit of democracy can only be obtained by the pursuit of freedom.(By, W. T. (1987, Sep 17). The constitution made our states united. Wall Street Journal)

Democracy is a system of government, which is governed by majority rule, and the voice of the people is the voice of God. In the expression of the sound, the majority of the will is the supreme, and that the resolution of the political is not the highest referee, a few always wrong. Apart from the right to live and to become the majority of the rights, the minority can not claim any right to confrontation with the majority. Produced by the "angel of the gossip" doubt is that assumed that all human beings are in possession of a point of view, and only one to the opposite point of view, so that mankind must be correct, and the latter is always wrong?Even so, mankind have reason to let the people keep silent? If the people have enough reason and his view is correct, he has reason to make mankind to keep silent? Visible, in a sense, the majority and minority not holds absolute power. The possibility that most of the minority's freedom and rights is also reflected in the principle of people's sovereignty. However, if the people are the sovereign, who is the object of sovereignty, or their own, or the special election of a few people. In contrast to the majority rule, Tocqueville found that the treasure of freedom has its own unique charm: the greatest purpose of the free system is that when the human spirit does not care about freedom, to continue when the free backing, and to give freedom it inherent in a certain kind of plant life, so that the human spirit can come back to it. In the form of these systems, people will not lose their freedom, even if they hate it for a moment.(Sjoberg, G. (2017). Justice in the united states: Human rights and the U.S. constitution. Contemporary Sociology, 36(5), 473-474. )

The provisions of the constitution of the United States, Congress in two thirds of the members in both houses, when they deem it necessary proposed amendments to the constitution, or upon request of the state two out of three in the state legislature, held a constitutional convention to propose amendments. To a vote approved by the state three quarters of the convention, it has become a part of the constitution and the actual effect, the Federal Reserve amendment proposal right, and states have approval authority. Released in the United States Constitution, not clearly defined, in practice, the Federal Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to the secretary of state, and then by the secretary of state to state governors, by the State Council, the state will vote to inform the secretary of state has received 3/4 of the grant, the constitutional amendment was established. Constitutional procedures are very complicated, and proposal is an absolute majority. This is because the constitution is to protect every individual rights of the "social contract". And the general law requires that more than 1/2, the United States Constitution amendment is attached to the body of the constitution, so it is the use of amendments to amend the constitution, the conclusion: a complex program is to maintain the constitutional norms of science and justice and an indispensable element.(Barker, R. S. (2017). NATURAL LAW AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. The Review of Metaphysics, 66(1), 105-130.)
