Homosexuality is legal范文[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“Homosexuality is legal”。这篇文章作者主要讲述了同性恋是一个值得思考的问题,在这个问题上有很多人意见分歧。有的人认同同性婚姻,承认其合法性,有的人持否定态度。但我也承认同性婚姻的合法性,对同性恋的支持,本文略论探讨了不同人群的总体看法,以及他们的支持点和相对点,英语论文题目,和对这些争论的观点。

Homosexuality is a problem worthy of consideration, and opinions are divided on this issue. Some people agree with the recognition of same-sex marriage, the recognition of its legitimacy, and some people hold a negative attitude. But I do agree with the recognition of same-sex marriage.On the issue of homosexuality of support or not ,this has analyzed and researched the total view of different people,and their supporting points and opposite points,as well as deliver my own views on these arguments. Their arguments are supporting the homosexuality or not,and if so,analyzed their supporting points on this issue.Or if not,analyzed their opposite  points on this issue. I give the detail response on these arguments,that is I do agree with the recognition of same-sex marriage.So,please see bellow researching.

Research on the Total Views of Homosexuality

It is often considering the existence of homosexuality in today’s life, it makes us very worried. We worried about the impact of the health of the community, and worried about the future of human evolution and development. Human reproduction is from the beginning of biological origin, from the physical and polar movement and the formation of natural. In the historical course of biological evolution, the opposite sex reproduction natural response(Shannon Ridgway, 2017), on this issue, even if specific anatomical structure, organ function, and physiological functions are different but complementary and unified (Stephanie Pappas), it is mutual needs and become instinct of human emotion ,it is the healthy people in love healthy  reflected, thus allowing humans to infinite generations and health evolution.(Zremski, J. 2017). For some people to talk about, the recognition of same-sex marriage, the recognition of its reasonable, legitimate, people feel very worried. What is more worrying is that people do not have a correct understanding of this issue,is it in the end recognized the reasonable health? Or denial of reasonable health? The answer is, "no," to be reasonable. From the dialectical view, the microscopic nature of the decision, and the impact of its movement, but the macro stage of the movement will make changes in the micro, and promote the next movement stage.

Similarly, homosexual marriage movement, in a certain period of time after the movement, will certainly affect human beings from the psychological to physiological movement of the micro, until the change. It has a negative impact on all aspects of this will be unbearable to contemplate on human reproduction, evolution and development. Therefore, for same-sex marriage, must be denied. Whether it can promote same-sex marriage, it must be negative, because, in the society to promote this unhealthy marriage, will break through people's inherent feelings about love, and some related physiological reactions, psychological adverse. A certain period, into a disguised recognition, this way, will be in people's psychological and spiritual formation of a potential guidance, a serious consequence, the formation of a certain degree of vicious circle. Therefore, it should not be recognized, does not recognize, in order to benefit the human mental health. But whether they are gay or straight, they are people, they should have the right to have a natural person, so people should not discriminate against them. But I hope that people can find a way to treat this kind of psychological and emotional disorders as soon as possible.(Riess, J. 2017 )

Research on the Opposite Side of the Homosexuality

But oppositely ,some people have argument that ,英语论文,no one is born with a natural sexual orientation, nor does any mammal have a sexual orientation. Many people call the title of homosexuality is itself a kind of wrong understanding and cognition, the same sex is not allowed to have a love. This is a problem that is against the natural evolution and ethics of human beings. It is not a question of what rights. The so-called sexual orientation is acquired to develop, is a male or female growth process of human factors caused by the sexual orientation of the twisted and abnormal problem. This is a mental illness! It is the sex distortion caused by the psychological metamorphosis! There is a part of man-made mistakes lead to individual sexual orientation appear extremely distorted and eventually become a social cancer. Homosexuality is not the right of the mental disease itself, but the existence of this kind of growth environment in the presence of abnormal distortion of the state. So, this kind of so-called gay many are not eradicated, but there is a part of it can be corrected by psychotherapy.(Schaub, D. 1996)

Research on the Supporting of the Homosexuality
