Uniqueness of Christianity in China and Chinese Muslim[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

由于全球化发展越来越快,英语论文范文英语毕业论文,宗教也随着一起越来越壮大。本文将研讨基督教在中国与中国穆斯林的独特性,希望人类能更熟悉这两个宗教,他们可以选择更合适的来作为生活中的一部分。为了清楚地了解基督教和中国穆斯林,后介绍三部分,这是在中国分开的基督教,中国穆斯林 ,以及他们的独特性,与全世界的其他国家的不同。

I. Introduction

Increasingly quick is the speed of the appearance of a new religion due to the development of globalization and greater and greater is the number of human beings that have been puzzled about the differences among those various religions, currently it is of great urgency for human beings to explore the detailed differences between any two religions so that human beings can know more about those religions. Only when human beings have got access to the differences of those religions can they know more clearly about which religion they would like to follow. In this way, human beings can in the end choose the specific religion that is of their interest so that they can benefit more or less from within. 

And at present all kinds of religions tend to co-exist worldwide and they may have different connotations for the same religion under the context of different countries. Moreover, differences of two specific religions can be easily obtained through comparing and contrasting them in relevant factors. We can imagine that if we would like to compare any two specific religions, it is a must for us to specify both the religions themselves and the country that those two religions respectively belong to. Therefore this will explore the uniqueness of Christianity in China with the Chinese Muslim, hoping that human beings can be more familiar with both of these two religions and they can choose the more appropriate one to follow in their later life. In order to know clearly about the Christianity in China and the Chinese Muslim, three parts will subsequently be introduced, which are Christianity in China separately, the Chinese Muslim on its own as well as the uniqueness of they two by differing them from other countries in the whole world. 

II. Christianity in China

a. History

Christianity in China, always being referred to as Protestantism, is as well being mentioned to as evangelical in that it is a religion that preaches the gospel. It is recorded that it was in the nineteenth century that Christianity was officially introduced to China and it is now with 40,000,000 Christians in China now due to long-term development over years (Daniel H. Bays. 2017). But what has to be mentioned is that Christianity is developing and being circulated rather slowly for quite a long time due to the large differences between Chinese culture and the western culture at that time. Also, the Chinese government as well gave a fatal blow to all kinds of religions which involved Christianity without exception since the Chinese Communist Party was in charge of the politics in 1949. In the point of view of the Chinese Communist Party, the religions are included in the scope of superstition as tends to be unrealistic and may in the meantime gives human beings an illusion so that they can not really live a practical life. Such opinion seems to be quite traditional when taking it into consideration at present, but it is the normal phenomenon at that time. 

Or maybe it can be put in another way that the Chinese Communist Party holds that human beings are better to be down-to-earth so that they can better plan for their own life step by step and that those virtual religions will not bring you any benefit but may instead drive you away from your supposed life track so that you may not continually pursue your life goal. That is to say, the Chinese Communist Party thinks that religions will be dangerous for human beings with defects, which can be justified for its action to prevent the circulation of Christianity in China during that period. Therefore Christianity in China did not progress much then under the control of the Chinese Communist Party.   

Luckily, the Chinese government had adjusted the religious policy in 1980 when China was experiencing the reformation and open-up all over the whole country. After the religious adjustment, Christianity can later be normally worshiped in China together with other religions and the number of Chinese Christianity believers increased significantly ever since. What is out of human beings’ expectation is that the number of Chinese Christianity believers is even larger than that of the Buddhist believers. But it can be easily found out that there are more restrictions to the Chinese Christianity believers and clergies under the management of the Chinese government when compared with the western Christian countries, which can be naturally realized through the careful observation of the administrative measures that the government takes toward all kinds of religious affairs either small or large. 
