Stop killing and hunting[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

The content of the public service advertising is quite irony and the means of expression is distinctive and attractive, as it uses the method of personification to describe the phenomenon of animal fur trading so as to impress target audiences. In the picture, a man is lying on the ground, crying out in fear and saying, “Help!” In front of him stands a great bear which hold a gun shouting, “How’s this feel to you now!” There is a striking slogan in the color of blood reads, “Stop killing for fur!” Under the slogan are some smaller words say, “Let them live and keep their skin.” Undoubtedly, the ads do well in placing human beings in the place of hunted animals; if we are the animals, we would be willing to give out our fur. Therefore, the picture can arouse sympathy through our own experience successfully.
People massacres more than a billion animals and uses their furs and skins to yield clothes every year. Indeed, they kill them getting profits more than just the fur. The meat and blood are sold in the market, and some hearts and bones of certain animal are used for the medicine.
Many people believe that the polar bears are one of the most cute and beautiful animals. However, according the statistics, there are only about 20170 polar bears in the globe that means the polar bear are threatened. Many factors lead to the current situation, such as the global warming and the industry pollution, but the most immediate and principal reason is hunting. Over one thousand polar bears are slaughtered for their fur and skins every year which decreases the number of polar bears rapidly. Under the circumstance, Canada government still has the policy that allows Polar Bear hunting under the profits it drives. The hunters obtain over 10 thousand dollars for killing a polar bear and selling the fur and skins. In the meanwhile, "The trade in leather and leather products - worth more than US$ 60 billion per year - is predicted to grow". (Rienstra, 1)
Not only polar bears, there are also many animals facing the threat of hunt. Elephants in globe are slaughtered for their ivory which is made into beautiful and attractive trinkets and decorated for the house. In recent years, with the development of economy and the advance of people's living standard, the demand for the ivory market has increased significantly and the supply is not adequate to the demand. High profits and high demand result in the increased massacre of elephants. Many hunters even used weapons of mass destruction to hunter the animals. Like elephants, tigers are facing the serious poaching, because the fur can be made into the precious clothes and the bones can be made into medicines. According to the statistics, there are around 4300 tigers in India, but currently, only about 1500 tigers are detected. Actually, the number of tigers in the zoos is more than that left in the wild. 
The hunting is the immediate reason to the decrease of wild animals, but some other human activities also impact the life of wild animals. The climate change due to the industrialization impacts the Arctic ecosystem dramatically. "The rapid melting and earlier breakup of sea ice has pushed the polar bear onto the front lines of extinction."(Wolf, 10)
Imaging you enjoying the sunshine on the shore after a full dinner, then suddenly with a scream, a man shoots the gun and you are hurt. He opens your body and peels you. In the end, your skins are sold to a rich man, hanging on the wall or decorating in his house. What is your feeling? So why should we protect animal from hunting? It not only because they are beautiful and interesting things of the nature or sources of food to meet human’s taste buds, but also for its significant place in the balance of nature. Once hunted massively, the number of those lovely creatures will decrease sharply and even extinct, bringing detrimental consequences to ecological system we are living in. Destroying one kind of animal can destroy the food chain and causing butterfly effect, that is to say creating many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, rats and mice will eat the farmers' stores of corn and grain. Why could this happen? Because hawks are the natural enemies of rats and mice, and if the number of hacks decreased, more mice and rats will give births. With no hawks to control the number of rats and mice, they will grow quickly and do more harm to corn. Also, if grassland wolfs are hunted to extinct or small number on the grassland, more Mongolian gazelle will give birth, thus, eating more grass and the land will finally deteriorate and degenerate. And such relationship has been shooting to film “Wolf totem” which raise substantial public attention and render resonate. 
Although the situation is serious, luckily, some people are working to help and save the animals. Some groups raise money to make more people know about the problem. They shoot movies, doing s, writing special column in magazines and newss, making public service advertising and establish committee to protect animals etc. Meanwhile they try to make the governments to pass laws that protect animals in danger. These laws forbid the killing of animals in an authority danger list. Gradually, the number of some endangered animals will grow. Organizations like WWF have been fighting to protect animals including elephants and polar bears for a better future. The organization also helped bring back the Amur tiger and Africa’s black rhinos from the edge of extinction and keep habitats and sanctuary thriving. 
In the future, more people should realize the importance of protecting animals. Thus, we can build work station and hire professional to help the community to form the consciousness, offering related education and knowledge, especially for the young generations. We will work with partners at all caste, from community leaders to governments and multinational bodies. More people need to know that there are many alternatives to leather, such as cotton, ramie, linen, rubber, canvas, and synthetics which can be used in athletic and hiking shoes for its breathability and comfort. Also, the government should establish perfect judicial and related laws to inhibit hunters’ from hunting for animal fur. Once they break the law, they should assume criminal responsibility, economic compensate or even put in prison. Such measures can curb those offenders’ behavior and make a better life for all the animals in this globe. Although our work is far from done, my community and country will continually protect animals we care about.
Hsieh-Yi, Yi-Chiao, et al. "Fun fur? A on the Chinese fur industry." (2017).
Wolf, S. "Extinction: It’s not just for polar bears." A Center for Biological Diversity and Care for the Wild International Report (2017).
Rienstra, Dianna. "African leather: industry meets world markets."International Trade Forum: ITC presents: portraits of trade development (4). 2017.
