The Book Thief[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25


The Book Thief, written by Australian novelist Markus,Zusak, is a famous novel about anti-war. The book is full of creativity and novelty, as it is set in the period of World War Two and employs many new and attractive elements, such as foreshadowing, personification, irony, illustration and trpe setting, story telling, etc. As such, they not only increases the interests and attraction of the novel but also express the author’s purpose better and retains huge room of reflection for readers. This tries to analyze the novel The Book Thief and is consisted of three parts: illustrating the elements with specific examples in the novel; explaining the reasons that the author utilize these elements to write; sharing my feelings about the elements and their roles.
The author gives many examples by those elements to express his purpose. Here I find the three special examples. First, in the chapter one, when Liesel, the heroine, was taking train with her mother and brother, her brother died in the train and she dreamt a strange dream that she attended a meeting where Hitler did a lecture. This part not only reflects the social commentary and sets the whole novel in a special period, but also foreshadows why Liesel is connected to the characters or books. The second example maybe sounds a little warm. After reading the novel, the plot that Liesel met Ilsa Hermann, the wife of mayor, who guided Liesel to her home’s library, gives me one of the most important impression. When Liesel went into the female master’s library, she felt very surprised and sacred that she could only walk silently and slowly and dare not bother the books. The author employs personification to describe the feelings between Liesel and books gracefully, which seems to give books vivid life. The last example I want to illustre is that Liesel’s reading rescued the whole street and the whole people’s life during the explosion of Molching Street. It was Liesel’s sounds of reading that calmed people’s inner fears and nervousness. This part is very touching and powerful.
After reading the book, we can find that the novel is touching and powerful, which is mainly owed to the author’s employment of the elements of foreshadowing, personification, irony, illustrations, social commentary and story telling. All these elements can enrich the novel’s conflicts and interest, guiding readers to read and think. The elements increase the novel’s appeal as well as better express the author’s purpose of antiwar and hoping for peace. Take the element of story telling as example. The whole novel is just telling stories. More admirably, the author utilizes the death as the narrator, even the first person, while Liesel, the heroine of the novel, is the third person. But readers do not feel any troublesome to read. Instead, readers feel very fluent and make themselves as the passers-by to see the cruel world. Such the writing technique is the author’s wonderful and outstanding point. Using the death as the first person, not only reduces the distance with readers, but also increases horrible and gloomy atmosphere for the novel, and thus effectively expresses the ideas of antiwar and pursuing the bright world of peace.
The author’s use of the particular element, I can say, subdues me to a large extent. I love such ways of writing, and it gives me a lot of inspiration. For example, the foreshadowing. When the empty Molching’s streets faced the enemies’ assault and explosion, people under the ground still felt frightened and a little bit despaired. Various noises and children’s cry exist here and there. But all these, as we know, are the foreshadowing for the power of character. To calm down, Liesel just read the book aloud. When she read the first page, no one noticed her and she could not hear herself at all as well. But she did not give up, one page past, two pages past, and when she read the third page, no sounds but her reading sound haunted around the air. I am deeply touched by these descriptions and realize how powerful the characters they are. This is the successful writing and inspires me a lot on how to write well. Meanwhile, the foreshadowing brightens the novel in the gloomy atmosphere or tones, as it fully makes readers feel the power and move.
I love the novel very much, not only because I love the admirable writing ways, but also the novel itself touches me deeply. I cannot help but checking something about the novel on the Internet when I finish reading the book. I find that the novel got a lot of prizes and has been rearranged into a movie. Here I just want to say, it deserves.

