A Perspective On Genetic Engineering(2)[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

Genetic testing is also popular. It is mainly used in testing vulnerabilities in inherited diseases and it can also be used in determine a child’s parentage. And it is normal for a couple in China to have a physical examination to assure that their chromosomes are normal and it can reduce the risk for them to have an abnormal child.


Genetic engineering is widely used in agriculture. And the most widely used technology is the transgenic technology, which is to modify the genes of crops. In 1994,when Calgene first marketed its delayed ripening tomato called Flavr Savr, the commercial of genetically modified foods began. And now, this kind of technology has been used in the manufacture of soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil to improve the outputs. To cite another example, the Chinese scientist Yuan Longping is called “The Father of Hybrid Rice” by the Chinese Media, for that he developed the first hybrid rice varieties in 1970s.And in 1979,his technique for hybrid rice was introduced to America, which is memorable in history. In 1991,the statistics of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization showed that 20 percent of the world’s rice output came from the world’s 10 percent fields that grow hybrid rice. And later, Africa also began to plant hybrid rice. Hybrid rice is a great contribution that China has to the whole world. Genetically modified foods are widely adopted among farmers, for that GM crops are always highly productive. In 2017,11 different kinds of

transgenic crops were grown on 395 million acres in 29 countries such as the USA, China, Mexico, Austria, South Africa and so on.

Genetic Engineering Applied In Industrial

Industrial genetic engineering is the industrial that applies genetic engineering ,including the industrial fermentation. It includes the practice of using cells to generate industrially useful products. Genetic engineering is to provide people with a better life, so, it mainly uses raw materials that are renewable and it may contribute to lowering greenhouse gas[5].

Potential Advances In Genetic Engineering

As I have described, genetic engineering is mainly used in health care, agriculture and industrial. However, only genetic engineering usage in health care is wide. There are a lot of aspects for us to explore. It is to say, there are potential advances in genetic engineering.

1.Hybrid crops and vegetables

At present, we have already did experiments on hybrid crops to make a higher output. However, can you imagine that we can use the hybrid technology to produce a tomato which tests like cucumber, or a potato which is on a potato tree? It’s a long way to achieve, but it’s possible.

2.Bacterium to cure the AIDs

HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts. And many people in Africa suffer from HIV, and it is inherited. In the future, maybe we can cure AIDs

with the help of genetic engineering.

3.Create a new organ using a stem cell

Stem cells have already been used to cure leukemia. However, what if we can create a new organ to cure our organic diseases? With the help of transgenic biotechnology, we can change our lungs or other organs to a fresh one to help us live longer. But it may be dreams .Because in this way, human may never die, and it’s against the natural rules.

Comments on the effects of transgenic biotechnology

Genetic engineering is related to our daily life. We eat genetically modified food and we take medicine which may be produced with the help of genetic engineering .On the one hand, we benefit a lot from it. However, one the other hand, we don’t know what genetic engineering would bring to us. It’s natural for man to draw on advantages and avoid disadvantages. We use genetic engineering to improve the outputs of agriculture and industrial and other aspects of our life. Maybe one day, there would be genetic engineering, which may ruin the world. So, Regulation is important.

