高师俄语系学生交际能力的培养 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

中俄是国际舞台的两个大国,是面向21世纪的友好邻邦,两国之间有着漫长的国境线。我们有必要学好俄罗斯民族的语言。高校师范专业俄语教学更应如此,因为高校师范俄语培养的是未来的俄语教育工作者。 为了正确地发展俄语教育事业,就需要有正确的教学理论做指导。社会语言学家根据语言的社会本质功能提出了交际能力理论,它为俄语教学指明了方向,并被运用于俄语教学领域。 本文以交际能力理论为理论基础,针对高等师范俄语系教学学生出现的问题,并结合出现大量零起点学生的现实情况,将培养学生的俄语交际能力确立为教学的目的。在正确的理论指导下,我国的俄语教学才能有更高的发展,俄语毕业论文,俄语教学所培养的学生才更能适应社会的需要。希望将此论文献给我心爱的事业--俄语教育事业。为了撰写此论文,本人所采用的探讨措施主要是文献资料法,通过对相关理论和探讨成果的归纳和总结,为我国高师俄语系教学确立正确的理论依据。为了使探讨成果更加适合实际情况,我采取了问卷调查措施,收集了部分相关数据。 本论文分为五个部分: 第一部分为引言部分,提出了我国高等师范俄语系教学中学生出现的问题,从而引出本论文的论点。 第二部分从社会、学生、教学大纲三个方面阐述了在俄语教学中重视交际能力培养的重要意义: 第三部分中提出交际能力理论以及该理论对高校俄语教学的作用。 第四部分是本文的主干部分,在这部分论述了培养学生交际能力采取的策略。详细地介绍了教学准则、教学内容、策略措施。 第五部分列举了俄语教学过程中应注意的四个方面的问题,即高年级学生口语回落;课程设置;教师业务和理论水平的提高;外籍教师的使用。

China and Russia are two big nations in world arena, friendly neighbors of 21st century. There is a long borderline between them .It is necessary for us to learn Russian. Students of Russian major at $apos;$. higher institution should be more so for they will undertake the Russian education in the future.In order to develop the cause of Russian Education, we need correct educational theory. Socio-linguists put forward the theory of communicative competence, which points out the direction of Russian teaching. This paper bases its discussion on the communicative theory, combining both the problems of students and the realistic situation of the very beginners, and regards communicative competence as the teaching aim. Only under the guidance of a correct theory can the Russian education develop, and thus the students adapt themselves to the social needs. It is dedicated to my beloved cause-Russian education.This paper is document-based, summarizing relevant theories and research results, provides a theoretical proof for Russian education at the tertiary level. In order to make the study more operatable, I make a survey using a questionnaire.It is divided into five parts:Part I is the introduction, put forwards the problems is Russian education, and thus elicits the thesis.Part II point out the significance of developing communicative competence from the perspective of society, students and teaching syllabus respectively.Part III posits communicative theory and its effect upon higher education of Russian.Part IV is the body. It elaborates the strategies of developing communicative competence. It introduces in detail teaching principles, teaching contents and strategies.Part V enumerates the four questions worthy of attention: the decline of oral Russian of higher-grade students; curriculum setting; the improvement of teacher’s professional and theoretical standards; the use of foreign teachers.
