俄汉语新词共性探讨 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

新词是一种很重要的社会现象,对它的探讨具有非常深刻而广泛的意义。本文以新词探讨的基本理论为支点,采用对比的措施探讨俄汉两种语言中各类新词的共性。本文探讨的目的在于,把探讨成果运用于外语教学实践。 本文共分四章: 第一章概括介绍了俄汉语新词探讨的基本状况:新时期新词大量涌现,俄语论文范文,急需系统化的探讨;俄语新词探讨处于领先地位,汉语这方面的探讨仍很薄弱。并阐释了语言对比探讨的主要探讨措施及其意义。 第二章研讨了新词探讨的若干理论问题,如:词汇与新词、新词的界定与划分、新词与规范、新词产生的社会原因和新词产生的语用基础。这些问题的研讨为第三章俄汉语新词共性特征的揭示建构了理论基础。 第三章回顾了语言共性探讨的基本状况:共性探讨相对薄弱,但已经引起了语言学家的重视,这方面的探讨正在得到加强。本文通过对俄汉两种语言中各类新词进行详细的比较和略论,俄语论文网站,重在揭示其共性特征,并研讨其共性产生的原因。 第四章揭示了本课题探讨成果对俄汉语言教学实践的指导影响和实际意义。

The continuous appearance of new words is an important social phenomenon; therefore, researches in this field have significant and extensive meanings. This paper stands upon the basic theories of new words and adopts the method of comparison to discuss the similarities of new words between Russian and Chinese. The author intends to apply the research gains into the teaching practice of foreign languages.At the beginning, the author generally introduces the present researches on new words, and then specializes her introduction on the new words of Russian and Chinese. Next, the author makes the exploration from the theoretic perspective, such as the definition , the classification, the resources of new words, and so on. Then, the research is focused on the similarities between the new words of Russian and Chinese. Through minute comparisons and analyses, the author discusses the similarities and the causes of these similarities. Finally, the author states the practical significance of the research in the education of foreign language.
