系统功能语法维度下俄语语篇的功能略论 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

在最近的几十年的俄语学探讨中,对语篇的探讨越来越来越受到语言学家们的关注。语篇略论已经成为语言学领域中一个较为活跃的探讨方向。但是应该指出的是,在俄语语篇的探讨中,大多数学者还囿于对语篇语法略论,而对语篇的语义涉及得很少,也缺乏对语篇语义的深入探讨。本文应用系统功能语法对俄语语篇的语义进行略论,从而揭示制约语篇生成的因素。在理论上重新思考,从而确定语篇作为一个语言学单位在整个语言系统中的地位。在系统功能语法的维度下,对俄语语篇的功能或者说俄语语篇的语义进行略论,深入揭示语篇深层的概念、人际、信息元功能及其在语篇表层的体现形式。本文认为,语篇的概念功能反映的是人与世界之间的关系,体现的是语篇所承载的客观意义,所以语篇的概念功能具有指称性;语篇的人际功能反映的是人与人之间的关系,体现交际过程中人与人之间的社会关系;语篇的信息功能指的是语篇信息的传递和接受,正是在语篇的信息功能中,语篇的概念功能和人际功能才由语义潜势转变为交际过程中的现实意义。本文通过略论语篇三元功能体现的次语义范畴发现,并不像系统功能语法的创始人Halliday所认为的那样,制约语篇语义只有社会因素。社会因素固然对语篇的生成具有决定性的作用,但是语篇生成者的认知心理因素对语篇的语义同样具有很强的制约影响。只有全面地考察制约语篇的社会因素和认知心理因素并把二者结合起来,才能达到对语篇承载的语义整体把握的目的。 本文除了引言和结语外,正文部分分为四章。现将正文部分的内容简单陈述如下: 第一章的内容主要是回顾了语篇略论的历史及其发展情况,以及今后语篇略论的发展趋势。 第二章的内容不多,俄语论文范文,但却是本文的写作基础。本章简要的阐述了对语篇进行功能略论的基本准则以及基本路线。 第三章和第四章是本文的主体部分。第三章是我们对语篇进行略论的理论基础,主要阐述了一些语篇略论的基本概念,例如:什么是语篇?语篇如何定义?语篇在整个语言体系中的占的是什么地位?什么是功能?语篇的功能有哪些,它们之间是什么关系?语篇的三大元功能以什么方式运作?我们认为,语篇作为一个语言单位,理所应当的应在语言系统中有自身的位置,但在已有的语言层次中却无法找到其位置。所以,我们在宏观上以语篇和篇章之间的对立为基础,俄语论文网站,从而。在我们绘制的语言动态图中为语篇在理论上找到其地位。我们依据系统功能语法的基本原理,认为功能制指的是语义,所以对语篇的功能略论就是对语篇语义的略论。而语篇的基本功能有三个,即语篇的概念功能、人际功能和信息功能。语篇的三元功能在语篇的生成过程中以选择的方式进行运作。第四章以第三章为基础,在语料的基础上分别对语篇的三个功能进行了详细的略论,以及三元功能在语篇的表层结构中的体现形式和其制约因素。我们认为,除了社会因素外,语篇生成者的认知心理因素也对语篇的功能有制约影响。 我们的结论是,对语篇的略论应该以语篇的语义为本,从语篇的功能出发,继而略论语篇的表层结构。社会因素虽然对语篇的制约影响是决定性的,但是也不应当忽视认知因素对语篇的制约影响,而应当把二者结合起来,才能做到对语篇语义的整体把握。

The research on the discourse has been the focus of many linguists in Russian in the recent years .The discourse analysis is one of the active branches in linguistics, but it is mainly in the field of grammar rather than in semantics. This article makes an analysis of the meaning of Russian discourse by means of the systematic-functional grammar. It also shows the ideationaK interpersonak informational^ functional and their representative forms in the surface of the discourse. Halliday argues that the social factors are the only one that constrains the discourse meaning. But I think that, the cognitive factors also play an important role in meaning. The combination of the two can lead to the full understanding of the discourse .The main body can be divided into 4 chapters:Chapter 1 is about the review of the history and development of the discourse analysis and its future tendency. ?Chapter 2 deals with the basic principle and ways of analyses which are the fundamental part of the whole paper.Chapter 3 can server as the theoretical foundation of on the analysis of the discourse, and put forward some basic concept on discourse, function, etc. Since there is hardly a place for the discourse in the linguistic levels, I want to make a dynamic linguistic pictograph to put the discourse in it. And we take it that the function analysis of the discourse is the semantic analysis of it. According to the fundamental principle of the systematic functional grammar, the three meta-functions are ideational $gt;$ interpersonal and informational function which operate in the way of choice.Chapter 4 takes chapter 3 as the base. The three functions are analyzed in detail by means of the language material. Thus we consider that the cognitive factors play a role in the function of the discourse.Our conclusion is that, the discourse analysis should be stemmed from the meaning and start from the function and then analyze the surface structure .The combination of the cognitive factors and social factors should be resorted to the full understanding of the discourse.
