对大学提高阶段《东方》俄语教材的评价 [俄语论文]

资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

二十一世纪,人类进入了一个科技、知识高速发展的信息化社会。信息社会条件下,高素质的人才成了经济发展的宝贵战略资源和动力,人们对人才的培养给予了充分的重视。目前,世界经济一体化和区域化趋势不断发展,作为人类知识、文化传播者的外语人才在世界各国的联系和交往中发挥了重要的纽带影响。外语人才的地位被提升到新的高度,外语人才的培养也因此而格外受到关注。 教材在整个教学中占有重要的地位。高质量教材的使用是提高教学质量的一项重要决定因素。教材评价是鉴定教材质量的有效手段之一,是教学单位选择高质量教材的依据来源,关于教学质量的提高有重要的意义。《东方俄语教材是目前我国高校俄语系使用较广的一套精读课教材,是培养符合时代要求的高素质俄语人才的重要工具,因此,评价东方》俄语教材关于提高俄语教学质量、培养高素质俄语人才具有重要意义。 本文充分依据教育学的基本理论和相关学科的基础理论,运用教育科学中的一些基本的探讨措施,拟对大学提高阶段《东方》俄语教材(即《大学俄语--东方》教材5-8册)做出评价尝试。 文章包括四个部分: 第一部分,根据教材和教材评价在教育教学中的地位和影响,提出对《大学俄语--东方》教材评价的重要性。 第二部分,阐述指导教材评价的教育学、心理学和语言学方面的基本理论依据,并介绍本文在教材评价中会用到的四种探讨措施:文献法、调查问卷法、比较法和统计法。 第三部分,借鉴现有的教材探讨成果,依据教育学的基本理论、相关学科的基础理论以及《高等学校俄语系提高阶段教学大纲》,从教材目标、教材内容选择、教材内容组织、教材编制四个方面具体制定大学提高阶段《东方》俄语教材的评价标准。 第四部分,俄语论文题目,依据制定的评价标准,俄语论文题目,运用四种探讨措施对大学提高阶段《东方》俄语教材进行具体的略论评价,并针对教材存在的问题提出改进建议。

People in 21st century live in an information society, in which highly qualified personnel become precious force and strategic resources and much attention has been paid to personnel training. With the development of economic globalization and regionalization, foreign language personnel, who diffuse knowledge and culture, play a significant role in international connections and associations. The position of foreign language personnel has been highly promoted and accordingly the training of foreign language personnel attracts much more attention. Textbooks hold an important position in foreign language education. The adoption of qualified textbooks is a decisive factor in furthering of education reform, spreading the qualitative-oriented education and training competent foreign language personnel. Textbook evaluation is one of the effective ways to appraise the quality of a textbook. Hence, textbook evaluation is significant for professional foreign language education. At present, textbook The Orient — College Russian is extensively adopted by Russian majors in Chinese colleges and universities and has served as an important tool for the training for the personnel of the Russian language. Therefore, evaluation on The Orient has its epochal significance. This paper attempts to evaluate The Orient Book 5-8 (advanced level) with some educational research methods employed. The evaluation is grounded in some fundamental theories of education science and other related disciplines. The paper is organized into four parts: Part I relates the significance of evaluation on The Orient on the basis of the functions of textbooks and textbook evaluation. Part II illustrates the basic theories on textbook evaluation in pedagogy, psychology and linguistics, and introduces the four research methods employed in this paper, i.e., literature review, questionnaire, comparison and statistics.Part III makes out specific criteria for the evaluation on The Orient based on the existing research on textbook and fundamental theories of education science and other related disciplines and Advanced Level Syllabus for College Russian Majors. The four aspects are taken into consideration: teaching goal, textbook selection, content organization and compilation. Part IV analyzes and evaluates the Orient (advanced level) according to the criteria with the four methods employed and come up with approaches to the problems of the textbooks.
