
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Newspapers style work in human social political movement category and economic civilization category, is widely used on the eve of the public media, such as newspapers, radio, radio, magazines and other. In effect the rhetoric research, newspapers style important focuses on newspaper talk. The press is one of the most popular preface, which touches on all aspects of political, economic, cultural, technological and other aspects of social life. Twenty century eighty years since the end of the month, Russia's political, economic, social life and the people's thought idea produced sharply and deep changes, these changes can get the most direct, the most rapid, the true response in the Russian newspaper article reported, content and application to speak. Glossary of terms as to speak to the fundamental unit of, is talking in the most lively and change the fastest sector, Russian newspapers on the application of the discourse of the sink reflects Russia's social status, also reflects the speech characteristic of modern Russian, is to assess the Russian newspaper wording characteristics can we know Russian social status and modern Russian accent, on Russian teaching, scientific research and cultural exchange will be of no profit. This thesis is the international and foreign scholars and Russian learners of Russian newspapers talk research basis, collect the latest Russian newspapers, information on Modern Russian newspapers with characteristic words stop analysis, discussion and summarization, wish this study explore the Russian learners have certain sponsors and own action.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第1章 绪论   8-16       1.1 课题背景及探讨的目的和意义   8       1.2 俄语报刊语言的国内外探讨近况   8-14           1.2.1 国外探讨近况   8-13           1.2.2 国内探讨近况   13-14       1.3 本文的主要探讨内容   14-16   第2章 报刊政论语体概述   16-21       2.1 报刊政论语体定义   16-17           2.1.1 狭义的定义   16           2.1.2 广义的定义   16-17       2.2 报刊政论语体的基本功能   17-18           2.2.1 报导功能   17           2.2.2 感染功能   17-18       2.3 报刊政论语体的体裁及特点   18-20           2.3.1 消息报道   18           2.3.2 现场采访   18-19           2.3.3 随笔   19           2.3.4 讽刺小品   19-20           2.3.5 社论   20       2.4 本章小结   20-21   第3章 俄语报刊的语言特征   21-28       3.1 词汇特征   21-23       3.2 修辞特征   23-27           3.2.1 报刊语言表现力手段丰富多样   24-26           3.2.2 程式性语汇被赋予新的内容   26-27       3.3 本章小结   27-28   第4章 当代俄语报刊用词特点   28-51       4.1 大量使用反映时代特征的词汇   28-30       4.2 新词汇不断涌现   30-34           4.2.1 赋予旧词新的意义   30-31           4.2.2 外来词频繁出现   31-34       4.3 使用缩略语   34-38       4.4 使用口语词和俚语词   38-40       4.5 使用生动形象的词汇   40-41       4.6 使用各种语义辞格   41-46           4.6.1 隐喻   41-43           4.6.2 换喻   43-44           4.6.3 代用语   44-46       4.7 使用反映俄罗斯文化的词汇   46-50       4.8 本章小结   50-51   结论   51-52   参考文献   52-54   例证来源   54-56   致谢   56  
