
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Speech understanding is in recent decades the Russian mind learning to speak of the main contents of the study, although the results obtained widespread concern, but on the speech understanding the concept and definition has not been formed with a familiar, can be described as benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom, but is without a doubt the, i.e. the speech understanding of ethnic cultural characteristics. Today our Russian teaching still facing many difficult, such as, Russian teaching efficiency is not high, Russian learners is said to the ability of poor, learners through years of study still is not applied to the Russian, "mute Russian" picture of the long-term existence, investigate its reason, it is important to because we don't know the Russians talk understanding, have not formed the Russian speech understanding, the speech understanding results did not give enough value. The based on the discuss Chinese Russian professional Mr. Russian speak know the situation and will be the Russians and Russian speech understanding compared to do, to find the same points and the different points, to remind the Chinese and Russian plain near family for thinking method and ethnic thoughts and speech habits, the natural environment and other factors lead to the speech understanding differences, and to make a reasonable explanation, in order to back the Russian teaching process obtained concern, Russian teaching supply in our country some practical suggestions. This paper is divided into six parts, including five chapters and conclusions. The first chapter, introduction. Will domestic and overseas scholars on the speech understanding research content and results stopped comprehensive carding and integration, and points out the research practical significance and theoretical value, the innovation and research methods. The second chapter introduces the reality of the speech recognition. Content includes: the concept and definition of speech recognition, speech recognition classification and research status, to the previous research and development status of a brief combing. Chapter three introduces the speech understanding research methods, introduced the Russian mind speak widely applied science, is also in this paper, the research approach and an association test, and the Russian scholars through more than ten years of association tests written response Russians speech understanding Association dictionaries. The fourth chapter is an analysis of the experimental research and the inquiry of Russian Russian speaking students. A questionnaire survey of five college students in the three provinces of Russian professional students, including the query target and the assumptions, design process, data disposal and analysis of the results of the detailed steps. In the fifth chapter, the conclusion is that the teaching method is based on the theoretical and empirical research, and the results of the reference test. The conclusion is to summarize the full text, discuss the application prospect of the results of this study, and put forward the achievements.

