
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Meta cognitive research is a new field of research in the beginning of cognitive science in the last seventy years of the last century. It has become one of the hot points in the research of cognitive psychology, cognitive psychology, and psychology. Current home and abroad of metacognition research is still in the beginning stage, in some details, such as the writing meta cognition research are still in the process of exploration. In our country, the teaching of writing in Russian teaching is important in the study of speech, and the influence on the cognitive and other aspects of the meta cognition is seldom touched. This paper will combine the teaching of writing in the Russian professional development stage, and analyze the structure, influence factors and detailed writing meta cognition of Russian Writing meta cognition. Writing mind it is often difficult to grasp, so to test further confirmed, through the experiment data to analyze metacognition in writing, and the accuracy of the test data in all research analysis in the process plays a crucial role, which is the focus of this study and difficult point locations. Because Russian Writing meta cognition is a intermediary variable, so in the study not stop direct observations, to carries on the discussion, only with writing meta cognition questionnaire approach, to Mr. Russian Writing meta cognitive coherent data statistic and analysis, to the analysis of the results. This paper just information for most (absolute), stop the rough data statistics and analysis, data and analysis of the actually does not have the universality, the superstition of at home and abroad, the academic circles also in debate needs to be further argument. Plus, writing metacognition is Mr. individual cognition, emotion and volition, (including writing and social situation) and other factors with the exercise intervention process, such as thought, emotional, and cognitive variables and meta cognition exist interaction. To the Eph into comprehensive, incomplete statistics and analysis of relevant data, only via the process of unlimited data and analysis, as far as possible off indecent to supply Russian professional progress stage Mr. metacognition in writing the information for Russian Majors' writing teaching created and reference purposes. The objective of this paper is to provide reference data and a rough analysis. There are many issues, such as the form of meta cognitive, writing meta cognitive form, the application of ancient data disposal and analysis software package (SPSS


第一章 认知和语言   8-15       一、认知的含义   8-10       二、认知科学的理论基础   10-11       三、认知和语言   11-13       四、认知语言学及其探讨对象   13-15   第二章 对于元认知   15-26       一、元认知的概念   15-18       二、元认知的结构   18-20       三、元认知的功能   20-26   第三章 写作元认知及其结构   26-35       一、写作元认知知识   27-28           1、个人变量   27           2、任务变量   27           3、策略变量   27-28       二、写作元认知体验   28-30       三、写作元认知调控   30-35   第四章 写作元认知的作用因素   35-45       一、写作元认知的动机性作用因素   35-42           1、理论基础   35-36           2、外语学习动机理论模型   36-37           3、写作元认知动机性作用因素的引入   37-42       二、写作元认知的其他作用因素   42-45           1、俄文水平   42           2、母语写作元认知水平   42-43           3、写作评价标准   43-45   第五章 写作元认知实验   45-56       一、实验目的   45       二、实验措施   45-50       三、结果与略论   50-52       四、学生元认知能力的培养   52-56   参考文献   56-60   中文摘要   60-63   Реферат   63-67   致谢   67-68   导师及作者简介   68  
