
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

The object of this paper is the text of the Russian dialogue and common questions. We have described the general situation from the perspective of interrogative sentence is to define, which is in the form of interrogative sentence and the syntactic structure does not contain interrogative pronouns and interrogative adverb. The three major aspects of the concept of grammar function, interpersonal function and textual function, function as the starting point of the Russian general interrogative stop multi-dimensional integration description. An important goal of this thesis is that research questions in Russian dialogue and stylistic differences in text application. With this response, we will separate on the text of the dialogue and common questions to stop the efficacy of the description. In the semantic and pragmatic features, detailed assessment of different types of dialogue in the common questions in different contexts and context is shown in the question logic function, sentence expression is the original external effect, sentence and the efficacy of various types of derivative theory, in the manner of dialogue structure, common questions in the case, pull out the application language and tone words interrogative pronouns and interrogative adverbs in the interrogative sentence in words and tone scene features; in the text of a detailed analysis of common questions answering one question, semantic segmentation, word response type common questions and common questions in Russian language the effect of such articles. In this paper, effect of grammar as the starting point of the analysis and description of the detailed specific Russian common questions. Question sentence is a multifaceted speaking unit, through the process of the paper we can draw the following conclusions: (1) according to the different division scale can of interrogative sentences in different classification, described in this paper and the research object is interrogative situation - syntactic structure division of the basis. What we concern is interrogative interrogative pronouns and interrogative adverb with the syntactic structure of the. The expression of these questions is the most important form of the wrist is interrogative tone. In addition, interrogative words and word order in the construction of common questions has help effect. (2) the general interrogative sentence semantic elements in the first set and preset in fact is not the same thing. There are a series of major difference between them. Interlocutor in the representation of a specific question with the first design as well as the selection of the significance and common questions with situation exists between certain contact, in particular, start questioning the significance of the performance of the two aspects of the objective position. A cognition and evaluation will affect the and restrict the questioner with ordinary interrogatives situation choice. Questioning these two aspects of the objective standpoint. There are nine possible combinations, corresponding to the nine combinations, in Russian, there are four kinds of simple ordinary interrogatives situation for expression. (3) the common questions and other speaking unit, also has a proposition. The proposition is to express all kinds of basic speech act. "Doubt" is a kind of speech act. Is the original function is used to express doubt, the pursuit of information to talk each other. In addition, it can also be used for the expression of other words and actions, to complete its derivative effect. (4) in the logical relationship between the common questions in the completion of the two class of a parallel relationship and the master-slave relationship. Compound reality is selective question sentence, "parallel" refers to the syntactic contact, i.e., the response options occupation is unified syntactic position, the bear is strange syntax function. Their "choice" relationship in semantics, i.e. these options is the expression of propositional content differences, corresponding to the actual situation of differences, reflected in the semantic relations are mutually exclusive. In general the master-slave master-slave relationship questions, namely now with meaning of the complex sentence in question. The presence of two types of band question significance of main subordinate complex sentences, a class is the words of others directly invoked, i.e. reporting, the model is in the main clause verb algae is customers',,, me, has in the past when the situation and questions of this kind of master-slave interrogative meaning strong. The second kind of principal and subordinate complex interrogative sentence and direct speech without any involvement, it is not the word of others reporting, the master-slave ordinary interrogatives in question significance is weak. (5) the general interrogative sentence can used to express other derivative effect, namely the expression "questions" speech act in the face of the pragmatic mechanism, an important principle about collaboration and conversation. It can express all kinds of rich speech act types. (6) the general interrogative sentence has rich expression meaning, including the objective and objective manner of expression. Common questions in expression manner is different from all kinds of meaning they perform illocutionary effect, but also different from the effect of different types of sentences. We put the common questions in the expression of all manner of the classification for three pure doubt demeanor, reasoned doubt expression of and prove that the question of the manner of. There is a scene transition between them. (7) the common questions can participate in all kinds of pull out the language to express rich expression meaning, with all kinds of pull out the common questions in language can express interrogative meaning and for the expression of the other meaning. There are two kinds of language expression is pull out pull out pull out length expression language; two language. (8) interrogative sentence is a component of the wrist is the situation. General interrogative modal words on the whole is not a complete change of doubt meaning, they will doubt meaningful growth basically face - rated emotional meaning. Various tone words of ordinary interrogatives originally pure question significance effect and influence also each are not identical, under some circumstances, the general interrogative sentence originally pure question significance occupies the dominant position, tone word to express the meaning of just incidental in main position; and in some other cases, the mood expressed by the word meaning to the original pure question significance to bring a greater impact, the original pure question significance backstage, and modal words to express the meaning of occupied a dominant position. (9) in some cases, the interrogative pronouns and interrogative adverb will surge real word picture, namely interrogative pronouns and adverbs has been completely transformed into words. From the three aspects of syntax, shape and semantic to identify question generation (deputy) can be notionalization. As a speech act is different in tone characteristics have differences on the said. (10) from the syntactic structure, logical semantics, cognitive pragmatics to analyze the common questions answering one. Ask and answer each other contact relationship is interdependent. To ask one question of description and discussion is one of the main means stop situation semantic research. (11) the general interrogative sentence semantic segmentation with foreign related structure. The surface structure of ordinary interrogative sentences can be divided into two departments to complete a doubt expressed doubt that the speech act of departments and non doubt department. Tone is the expression of the common questions of semantic segmentation only wrist, word order is not expression of ordinary interrogative sentence semantic segmentation situation wrist. (12) with doubt mood words studies. For it by and by he and albumose. Korolev, the question sentence sentence is a special kind of doubt that they are actually not as a proponent of dialogue. They are making a turn in response to common questions situation in the dialogue process, is the echo question. This kind of reaction type common questions in tone, semantic, pragmatic and syntactic distinct characteristics. (13) the common questions in construction plays a peculiar role in the expression of connected discourse, fruitful effect. Common questions can emerge in any position in the text. It can be used as title of the titles of the articles, books and works, but also for the beginning of the whole text or a paragraph, to summarized the whole text or the whole period of probation, thus raised the author wants to express the theme; it in discourse can also play a role in ushering and contextual cohesion of; emergent stop department in paragraphs or chapters the question sentence on the one hand can be used to summarize the whole or the whole, on the other hand can also play a role in taking care of from beginning to end. (14) common questions can be widely used in a variety of style except letters, business style, including literature poetry, newspapers - political, scientific style.

