
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Connectivity is the essential attribute of discourse, it is to identify a piece of text will become an important dimension of discourse, discourse generation touch and know the crux of the problem, is the hot topic in discourse analysis category. Since it was put forward by the scholars concern, and in the international academic circles inspire intense discussion to talk about, at present all kinds of discourse connectivity definition of dozens of species of. System efficacy grammar is an important part of the current effectiveness of speech learning. It is a kind of semantic orientation, which is suitable for the discourse analysis of discourse analysis. Analysis of Russian discourse connectivity result has scientific and reasonable use system function grammar. According to the system function grammar, discourse is a meaningful unit of language. As the product of the system of speech and context, it is necessary to produce the premise that it should conform to the system itself. Is to connect and register differences are broken text connectivity two requirement, they separated from the two aspects of external system and speak foreign language speaking environment that the definition of discourse identity. The thought of speaking is the focus of the system's effectiveness. People around the world and the concept of effect on the inner world of experience building and field; interpersonal function used in the social practice of the subject of speech between the position of the main role relationship, expression, emotion, perspective. Overall efficacy will be organized and the concept of interpersonal function, make speaking context and produce contact, the yuan is complete in speech, generating discourse connection. We believe that the application effect can be further thought to speak element description of discourse connectivity generation, generation of discourse connectivity is Moupian efficacy of the role of the results, the completion mechanism is also planning function generation mechanism of discourse connectivity. This basically, we also expand the concept of connection cover scale and complete the wrist, understand details of register differences. In the first part of this thesis, the text of Russian news reports is a detailed text analysis, and the text of the text of the text of the link to the form of the argument and practice.


中文摘要   6-7   Abstract   7-8   绪论   15-30       一、问题的提出   15-16       二、语篇连贯性探讨综述   16-26       三、论文探讨目标、措施和语料   26-28       四、论文探讨的理论价值与实际意义   28-30   第一章 韩礼德系统功能语法的主要理论观点   30-73       第一节 系统功能语法律派的语言观   31-33           一、意义作为语言探讨的出发点   31-32           二、选择、语言形式与语境的关系   32-33       第二节 语言资源系统及其运作   33-38           一、语言的功能与系统、层次与结构   33-37           二、词汇语法层上的语言单位和级阶   37-38       第三节 语言的三大元功能与体现   38-57           一、概念功能   38-45           二、人际功能   45-49           三、谋篇功能   49-57       第四节 语法隐喻   57-63           一、概念语法隐喻   59-61           二、人际语法隐喻   61-63       第五节 系统功能语法律派的语境观   63-67           一、韩礼德语境思想溯源   63-64           二、韩礼德的语境观   64-67       第六节 系统功能语法与语篇略论   67-71           一、语篇的定义和地位   67-69           二、语言系统与语篇的关系   69           三、语境与语篇的关系   69-70           四、系统功能语法指导下的语篇略论   70-71       本章小结   71-73   第二章 语篇连贯性的基本问题   73-104       第一节 语篇连贯性的本质   73-79           一、语篇连贯性的定义   73-77           二、语篇连贯性是一种语言现象   77-79       第二节 语篇连贯性与关联   79-82       第三节 语篇连贯性与衔接   82-92           一、衔接与衔接机制   82-86           二、衔接与语篇连贯性的关系   86-92       第四节 语境因素对语篇连贯性的作用   92-102           一、语域   93-97           二、语类   97-98           三、哈桑的语类结构潜势理论   98-102       本章小结   102-104   第三章 语言元功能视角下的语篇连贯机制   104-139       第一节 语言的功能及其相互关系   104-112           一、功能主义主要流派及其语言功能观   104-106           二、系统功能语法律派的语言功能观   106-109           三、语言元功能关系的重新界定   109-112       第二节 谋篇功能与语篇连贯性的生成机制   112-137           一、谋篇功能与语篇连贯性的关系   112-114           二、衔接机制的扩展   114-131           三、语域一致   131-137       本章小结   137-139   第四章 俄语新闻报道语篇连贯性略论   139-189       第一节 俄语新闻报道语篇概念意义衔接   139-161           一、及物性衔接   139-153           二、逻辑衔接   153-161       第二节 俄语新闻报道语篇人际意义衔接   161-182           一、俄语新闻报道语篇的人际意义及其衔接特征   161-163           二、俄语新闻报道语篇情态意义衔接   163-171           三、俄语新闻报道语篇的互动意义衔接   171-182       第三节 俄语新闻报道语篇的语域一致   182-188           一、俄语新闻报道语篇语类结构潜势   182-185           二、语篇具体语义结构对语域一致的诠释   185-188       本章小结   188-189   结语   189-194   参考文献   194-204   致谢   204-205   攻读学位期间论文   205-221  
