
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The study of the teaching method of non mother tongue Russian language originated in 50 years, to 80 years to grow vigorously. In the 1980s, non native Russian teaching has accumulated rich theoretical and experience, and the Russian faculty with meeting the global task in Russian Exchange non Russian teaching category academic results and practical experience of the occasion. Big clearly see that non-native Russian teaching has its own characteristics, and these characteristics because the teaching goal divergence, face-to-face still correspondence, short time training still age structure of long-term learning and learner differences and the differences. Different teaching objectives and resolutions of the differences of the teaching content, principles, methods and means of the wrist. But on all kinds of learning staff, the important obligation is to learn Russian diplomacy, this is the point of cooperation. Is to say that the first foreign policy should be the length of the length of the mother tongue teaching method of a strategic principle, it is the resolution of all other parts of the principle of. The first principle of diplomacy was proposed by Kos Tor Barov, Leon, and Dmytro Van Nova in 1979, and in the international Russian teacher combined with the Berlin conference to do the academic report. This principle, as a result of the non mother tongue teaching study of Russian language, the resolution of the current non mother tongue Russian teaching system. In non-native Russian teaching, measures of performance as well as teaching objectives and obligations and principles are quite important status and the possibility of taking the correct way, related to the teaching result of interest and results. The so-called teaching methods, refers to the teacher and student movement approach; Mr. help these content control the general knowledge, skills and knowledge, teachers with these methods to create a mr.. Teaching methods of teaching the choice of what kind of teaching materials, the use of what kind of means to introduce the language of the language of the movement and the use of smart. Baban J Ki thought, do not take appropriate teaching methods, put into the teaching objectives can be completed, complete the teaching obligations." This paper is in the Russian text teaching theory "superstition of teaching method system framework under that test set up the China Russian speciality of university students to improve their stage monographs nouns in Russian teaching theory research method system. The thesis is composed of three parts, the media, the annotation and the stop language. The media department introduced the practical nature of this topic, and affirmed the research object, content, objectives and methods, and pointed out the new ideas of the thesis, and the practical significance and applicable value of this project. In this paper, we choose the Russian monograph noun as the corpus of the teaching form of the theory, and the growth of the second speech characteristics is the main meaning of the book. Regardless of the monograph nouns in Russian and Chinese in many cases contains rich cultural connotation, with bright ethnic color. Along with the development of human civilization, monograph noun gradually become carriers of the inner of different social sincere civilization, will to understand the article, and understand the far-reaching influence and significance of a ethnic. Therefore, the data in the field of research of Chinese Russian speciality of University of Sir serious, but at the same time, we also pay attention to Mr. in the study because of Russian speaking cultural background knowledge lack face hard. In the medium, it is a practical significance to remind the system of the useful methods to help Russian students to control the sum of the semantic meanings of Russian monographs. Notes by the three departments: the first chapter introduces the actual basic research. This paper discusses the concept of "speech characteristics" and "second speech characteristics" and the ways and methods to improve the characteristics of the foreign language teaching in the process of teaching and learning. The second chapter is the key part of this paper, and it is important to analyze the characteristics of the growth of the second speech characteristics of Chinese college students. Is divided into three branches, the first section analyzes the important Chinese students psychological characteristics. Second important paratelum aimed at analyzing the Russian professional China Mr. teaching content characteristics. Third distal to the test in the high grade classroom set up analysis of monograph nouns in Russian teaching way form, contains the analysis of the summary of the forms and the detailed structure of. This chapter first focuses on the students Chinese paratelum age characteristics. Second paratelum analysis of foreign language teaching in the theory of knowledge integration and its fundamental talk. Third the authors applied to Chinese paratelum students analyze Russian teaching to form proper noun. The third chapter is the practical application of Russian language teaching methods in the teaching of Russian language teaching in higher grades. The detailed steps of the teaching form of the teaching theory are put forward, and the results obtained from the application of the teaching mode of the application of the teaching experiment are described.

