
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

人与人之间的对话,正如古语所说:“言出于我口,入于尔耳”。虽然言者所说的每一个音节和音调其实不那末“到位”或标准,但因为人的听觉体系可以对听到的语音停止加工处置,经由过程年夜脑的剖析、记忆、比拟等等功效的综合处置,只需听来的语音“框架”不差,语境邻近,就可以被懂得。今朝,人们对于汉语作为第二说话教授教养的特别性曾经有了深入的熟悉,新的汗青前提下的汉语教员不只要有扎实的汉语常识基本,理解教授教养法,还要具有汉语作为第二说话的教授教养实际和教授教养技能,并能运用这些常识来指点教授教养理论。不论学哪一种说话,语音是说话进修弗成朋分的主要的第一部门,人的说话从简略的发音开端,就像不会措辞的婴儿在咿呀学语一样,嘴里也跟着成人说出一些不成声调的儿语。是以我们汉语作为第二说话教授教养的目的是把这语音“框架”教给汉语进修者。笔者作为母语为俄语者和中国有十五年多的缘分,也就是说这时代和汉语有着亲密的接触。我发明许多本国人不只仅是在低级阶段,并且在中、高等阶段都存在发音音调不准确的成绩。对母语为俄语的留先生来讲,在进修汉语时最难的是音调发音成绩。由于俄语是一种无音调的说话,当他们第一次接触汉语音调并发音时,心里会有很年夜的压力,由于是判然不同的两种说话的音调发音。我们怎样做能赞助进修者战胜这个音调的妨碍呢?在低级阶段可以用哪些办法来处理或削减先生的音调发音成绩呢?我们以为,基于音调偏误及发生的缘由可以取得谜底,并摸索教授教养对策。是以,以“母语为俄语的低级汉语留先生音调偏误及教授教养对策”为选题是成心义的。我基于十三年的对中俄说话教授教养的经历和对母语为俄语的留先生停止的汉语教授教养理论,在教授教养中运用了第二说话习得的比较假说及偏误剖析实际,并且凭着本身进修汉语的经历,提出了一些对汉语音调教授教养的意见和建议。本文操作Gold Wave语音软件与praat语音剖析软件,对母语为俄语的低级汉语留先生停止了语音灌音剖析,采取偏误剖析的办法来研究他们的汉语音调发音的难点和纪律。并基于音调偏误剖析了汉语语音偏误统计分类与教授教养对策,这可以或许有助于进步对母语为俄语的留先生的汉语语音教授教养。本论文的内容包含五个章节:第一章为绪论,重要引见此次研究的目标和意义,相干文献综述和论文的研究办法、内容与对象。第二章是本文异常主要的一部门,论述本论文的试验目标、内容和成果。第三章描写论文的汉语音调偏误剖析及发生偏误的缘由。第四章基于试验研究的成果和音调偏误总结剖析提出对母语为俄语的留先生低级汉语音调教授教养对策。第五章对本文研究的总结,论文重要的立异点和存在的缺乏的地方。我们愿望,这篇论文可以或许在对外汉语语音教授教养中起到抛砖引玉的感化,赞助更多对外汉语教员们处理对俄汉语教授教养的艰苦,让母语为俄语的同伙在进修汉语语音方面日新月异!


Dialogue between people, as the old saying goes: "words out of my mouth, into the Yuerer". Although the speaker said every syllable and tone actually not the end "in place" or standard, but because of the human auditory system can stop to hear a speech processing, through the process of the brain of the eve of analysis, memory, analogy and so on the efficacy of comprehensive treatment, just listen to the voice "framework" is not bad, adjacent to the context, you can be understood. Today, people on the Chinese as a second language teaching have a deep understanding, under the new historical conditions of Chinese teacher not only solid knowledge of Chinese basic, understanding teaching method, but also has the Chinese as a second language teaching actual and teaching skills, and be able to use this knowledge to guide the teaching theory. Whether learning which speak, the voice is learning to speak Eph into four points of the main first department, speaking simple pronunciation from the beginning, not words like babies in babble learn language as mouth along with an adult say some tones of the babble. We are to speak Chinese as the second teaching purpose is to put the speech "framework" to teach Chinese language learners. As a native Russian and Chinese have more than fifteen years of fate, that is to say this era and Chinese have close contact. I find many foreigners is not only in the lower stage, and the results are not accurate pronunciation tones are in advanced stage. The native Russian left first born, the most difficult in learning Chinese is tone pronunciation achievement. The Russian is a non tonal language, when they first contact with Chinese tones and pronunciation, and my heart will be very big pressure due to the disparate two speaking tone pronunciation. What can we do to sponsor training to overcome this tone of hinder it? In what way to deal with or cut Mr. tone pronunciation scores in the lower stage of? We thought, on the basis of intonation errors and the reason can get answers, and explore the teaching strategies. Is, "native Chinese and Russian students lower tone errors and teaching strategies" as the topic is meaningful. I based thirteen years of Sino Russian speaking teaching experience and experience of the mother tongue for the Russian left Mr. stop of Chinese teaching theory, in teaching applied comparative hypothesis of second language acquisition and error analysis of the actual and relying on itself to study Chinese, some of Chinese tone teaching ideas and suggestions. The operation gold wave speech software and Praat speech analysis software of mother tongue for Russian Junior Chinese students studying stopped with a voice recording analysis, take error analysis approach to study their tones pronunciation difficulties and discipline. Based on the error analysis of the tone of Chinese phonetic errors of statistical classification and teaching strategies, teaching Chinese speech professor this may contribute to the progress of native speakers of Russian students. The content of this paper consists of five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, introduces the research goal and significance, coherent literature review and the research methods, contents and objects. The second chapter is the part of the main anomaly, discuss the test objectives, the contents and achievements. And the causes of errors of the third chapter describes the error analysis of Chinese tones. The fourth chapter studies the test results and pitch errors summary on native students Junior Chinese tone teaching strategies based on the analysis of russian. The fifth chapter of this article summarizes the research, innovation and the lack of an important place. We desire, this thesis can perhaps in a foreign language teaching to play a valuable role, sponsorship more foreign language teachers of Russian and Chinese teaching hard, let mother tongue for Russian partner in learning Chinese pronunciation with each passing day!

