
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Plekhanov's socialist reality is based on the historical philosophy of Marx's philosophy. In his view, dialectical idealism is the most materialistic history of development. In familiar with history, it is necessary to keep the guidance of monism history indecent, dialectical thinking energy and material between the mutual influence, thus the basic clarify historical development bias. He thought that history is disciplined, and this discipline in sports among people. Man through the movement of the process itself, the history, but the ego in the history of the role, but after all, it should be restricted by the history and discipline. Any attempt to exaggerate the subjective desire and objective desires will catch too real economy outside the practice, all cannot be taken. 1917 Russia, won the February reaction of the success of the revolution. But in the success at the same time, the emergence of a temporary authority of the bourgeoisie and the workers and peasants of the Soviet Union of two political coexistence of the situation. The special nature of the situation. So that the Russian middle class political party for the first time have the opportunity to seek regime and established middle class dictatorship, and out of a divergence in the growth way of Oriental society. Jandzeplekhanov thought, Russia has no grinding flour good practicing socialism. If no middle class early to seek regime would threaten Russia is not mature at ease. And if the loss of freedom, they lost to the completion of the socialist revolution must have the necessary premise. But the growth of the reactionary situation, has not been reversed. Plekhanov's reaction to the situation of the reaction of the judge, so that their actual fall into the hearts of the people. The success of the revolution in October declared the bankruptcy of Plekhanov's reactionary thought. Although Plekhanov's theory is defeated in theory, but he has a lot of true meaning in the history of the Russian Revolution and the Russian social development thought. These true meaning, we will have a great reference value for our socialist construction and the interpretation of historical position tomorrow.


内容提要   2-3   Abstract   3-4   第一章 普列汉诺夫认识俄国历史的哲学依据   6-22       一 坚持一元论的唯物主义历史   6-11           (一) 哲学上的两个基本问题   6-8           (二) 用一元论的唯物主义准则看待历史   8-9           (三) 经济基础决定上层建筑   9-11       二 社会结构的"五项因素公式   11-16       三 对于个人在历史上的影响问题   16-22           (一) 反对经济唯物主义的"因素论"   16-18           (二) 正确认识个人在历史上的影响   18-22   第二章 1917,俄国革命在历史中的方位与革命者的任务   22-38       一 俄国的发展需要资本主义   22-32           (一) 俄国已经走上了资本主义道路   22-24           (二) 俄国的资本主义已经堵死了跳跃论的大门   24-29           (三) 俄国的任务是发展资本主义   29-32       二 对革命前景的合理构想   32-38           (一) 阶级合作   32-34           (二) 联合政府   34-38   第三章 对于1917俄国社会主义革命的思考—与列宁的理论分歧   38-49       一 反对列宁的夺权思想   38-42       二 对过早夺取政权的几点担心   42-44       三 对十月革命感到"痛心"   44-47       四 对马克思主义俄国化的反思   47-49   第四章 结论:失败的思想者   49-54       一 脱离实践的理论家与背离群众的革命家   49-51       二 他的思想中包含着真理   51-54   参考文献   54-58   后记   58-59  
