摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 创立于1845年的俄国地舆学会是世界上汗青最悠长的四家专业地舆学研究机构之一。固然它在个中成立时光最晚,然则凭仗其官方配景的优势,在俄国当局的年夜力支撑下,俄国地舆学会自成立后敏捷成长,组织境表里考核,俄语论文题目,在天然迷信和人理科学范畴获得很多极具价值的研究结果。俄国地舆学会的章程中划定其义务在于“在俄罗斯搜集、整顿和流传地舆、平易近俗和统计的周全信息,特殊是对于俄罗斯本身的信息,并在其它国度流传对于俄罗斯的真实信息”。但是,现实上为沙俄侵犯运动汇集谍报却成为学会最主要的义务之一。为了完成迷信与政治的两重目的,俄国地舆学会在十九世纪中前期至二十世纪初这一特定的汗青时代,依据沙俄当局的侵犯扩大须要吩咐消磨了数十支考核队离开中国西南、东南及东北等边境地域获得地质、地舆数据,并依据“人文地舆学”的实际汇集汗青、经济、平易近族、平易近俗等各方面的材料。虽然这些考核队所具有的政治性必定水平上作用了其结果的客不雅性。但弗成否定的是,这些考核确切造诣了谢苗诺夫、普尔热瓦尔斯基、波塔宁、佩夫佐夫、科兹洛夫等一众俄国观光考核家,为世界揭开了包含青海、西藏、甘肃、新疆等地域的以往不为人知的方面,并为研究中国边境地域的汗青、文明、平易近族等成绩供给了主要的参考材料。笔者根据俄国自19世纪以来出书的有关俄国地舆学会、俄国西方学史、专业期刊和俄国考核队的考核申报和观光日志,对十月反动前该学会的中国考核与研究运动停止了周全梳理和剖析,试图总结俄国地舆学会各时代中国考核与研究运动的特色。本文共分为五章。第一章引见俄国地舆学会的创立进程及其早期运动,剖析其与沙俄当局之间的依附关系,以提醒学会“半官方性学术机构”的性质。在第二至四章中,依照俄国地舆学会中国边境史地考核与研究运动的成长特色分三个时代论述1917年前学会及其会员所展开的中国考核运动的情形,总结了学会各时代中国考核与研究的特色。在停止汗青论述的同时,对各时代的代表人物予以侧重述评。在第五章中,俄语论文范文,对俄国地舆学会所刊行的各类出书物停止了引见,并对《俄国地舆学会公报》和《俄国地舆学会年报》所登载的和零丁刊行的重要中国研究文章和作品停止编目。在本文的结语平略论了俄国地舆学会中国边境史地考核与研究的成长特色。 Abstract: Founded in 1845, the Russian geographical society is one of the world's most long history of four professional and academic research institutions. It is in the set up time late, but with its official background, in the Russian authorities vigorously support, the Russian geographical society after the establishment of agile development, organizational environment inside and outside the assessment, in the natural science category of superstition and people get a lot of valuable research results. The obligations of the Russian Institute of Geography in the constitution of the Institute are to "collect, consolidate and spread the information of the country, the common customs, and the statistics of the country". However, the reality of Russia violated sports collection espionage has become one of the most important duty is to learn. In order to complete the double purpose of superstition and politics, the Russian Geographical Society in the early nineteenth Century to early twentieth Century in this specific historical era, according to authorities need to expand the invasion of Russia ordered 2 killed dozens of branch assessment team left China southwest, Southeast and northeast border regional geological, geographical data, and on the basis of the human geography "the actual collection of history, economic, ethnic, folk and other materials. Although the assessment team has the political nature of a certain level of influence on the results of the guest. But undeniable is, the exact evaluation of Semionov, Prejevalsky, he accomplished, Pfeiff Geoff, Kozlov and the Russian tourist assessment, as the world has opened in Tibet, Gansu, including Qinghai, Xinjiang and other regions of the previously unknown aspects, and provides important reference materials for the research China border region history civilized nation grade. According to Russia since nineteenth Century book on the Russian geographical society, the Russian and Western history, professional journals and the Russian team's assessment of the declaration and examination of China sightseeing log, assessment and discussion of the society before the October revolution movement carries on the comprehensive combing and analysis, trying to sum the Russian Geographical Society China assessment and research movement the characteristics of the times. This paper is divided into five chapters. The creation of the first chapter of the Russian geographical society's progress and early exercise, analyze its relationship with Russia attached to the authorities, to remind society nature "semi official institutions". In the second to four chapter, according to the growth characteristics of the Chinese border history of Russia and the study of the research, the paper discussed the situation of the Chinese examination in 1917, and summed up the characteristics of the Chinese examination and research in various times of China. At the same time, the representative figures of the times should be evaluated in the same time. In the fifth chapter, all of the Russian Geographical Society issued publications are introduced, the important research articles and writings on "Chinese and Russian Geographical Society bulletin" and "the Russian Geographical Society annual report" published in the publication and separate stop cataloging. In the conclusion of this paper, the characteristics of the development of the Chinese frontier history and the study of the Russian geographical society are analyzed. 目录: |