
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



In combing the "situation" concept, first encounter performance is to define vague, with the Russian formalism, due to view incompatibility and school early academic interest transfer between various members of the external school, especially terms change ceaselessly, also in front of us cloth under the layers of mist, catch them attention to literary works construction method, along their concern can draw the "situation" in the Russian situation of realism from the perspective of changes in the history of the, which is the concept of a "big situation, from the" situation "to" means "to" efficacy "evolved to. First of all we want to Russian formalism name, they in the situation at the same time did not excluded significance, "the meaning of language poetry" is a good example. They didn't completely exclude content, but the situation as the content of the research, put into the creation of the "content" as the identity of the structure / situation to deal with. Therefore, in view of their study everything into the situation. All this to literary structure of static indecent to understand, the literary forms of the most basic feature is static, in the aesthetic effect of the dominant, literary works is a static one. Its structure, there is no motion of the identity. So, O Bo Diaz told us that the growth of literature is the old and new situation between the permanent and very complex game, facing literature, to prepare for the time to prepare to meet the change.


中文摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   中文文摘   4-7   目录   7-8   绪论   8-14       0.1 近况:定义的模糊性   8-14   第一章 奥波亚兹的形式观:重"形式"却并不排斥"意义"   14-30       1.1 形式本体论   14-23           1.1.1 置于前景的"形式"   14-18           1.1.2 独立自足的"形式"   18-23       1.2 不排斥"意义"   23-30           1.2.1 过度的理论表述   23-24           1.2.2 所谓"无意义语诗"   24-26           1.2.3 为"形式主义"辩护   26-30   第二章 形式、手法和功能   30-42       2.1 前期"形式"概念的演变   31-34           2.1.1 "形式"的变迁   31-32           2.1.2 "情节"、"本事"   32-34       2.2 从动态的文学结构观看几个重要概念   34-42           2.2.1 动态的文学结构观   34-35           2.2.2 "形式"的后续发展:"手法"和"功能"   35-42   第三章 结论   42-44   附录   44-48   参考文献   48-52   攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果   52-54   致谢   54-56   个人简历   56-58  
