
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



China and Russia in motor areas have their own characteristics, with significant complementary advantages, has a superior collaboration basic and further expansion of the scope of commercial potential. Since 1999, China motor product exports to Russia has been an upward trend, motor product in 2017 has become China exported to Russia in the eve of the first class of goods. However, China motor products in the Russian export market occupation rate is still low, how to further expand China to Russia and electronic products export, promote international competitiveness of Chinese electrical products are currently need to deal with the main achievement. Is to, there is a need to promote China's cause of Russia motor product export trade, in particular should be to carry on the system research to the impact Chinese identity of Russia electrical products export business, which is to develop a reasonable and to the promoting China to Russia and electronic products export business strategy, has important realistic meaning. This paper analyzes the status of Russian motor product export trade in China, commodity structure, summed up the China's overall characteristics of Russian motor products export business. Secondly, from the fact that the comprehensive analysis of the impact of China's exports to Russia's electrical products, the vast identity. On the basis of the qualitative analysis and with the statistical data from 1999 to 2017 is to choose some main influencing factors as the target variable, establish China to Russia motor product export trade influence factors of econometrics model and application analysis of relevant, cointegration analysis, causality analysis method of all kinds of influencing factors empirical hone. Empirical research notes, China to Russia motor products export business, the most obvious influencing factor is China total motor product to give birth, Russia to China's direct investment and Sino Russian bilateral trade policy, the total value of China's motor product to give birth is cause China to Russia motor product export trade change in the amount of the reason and the causal relationship is long-term stable equilibrium relationship. Initially, according to the results of empirical research proposed promoting China Russia motor product export trade of countermeasures and suggestions.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第1章 绪论   9-19       1.1 探讨的背景和意义   9-11           1.1.1 探讨背景   9-10           1.1.2 探讨的目的和意义   10-11       1.2 国内外相关探讨综述   11-17           1.2.1 出口贸易作用因素国外探讨近况   11-14           1.2.2 出口贸易作用因素国内探讨近况   14-16           1.2.3 中俄机电产品贸易的探讨近况   16           1.2.4 文献综述   16-17       1.3 探讨内容及结构   17-19           1.3.1 本文探讨内容   17           1.3.2 本文探讨结构   17-19   第2章 中国对俄罗斯机电产品出口贸易近况   19-27       2.1 机电产品主要类别   19-20       2.2 中国对俄罗斯机电产品出口贸易概况   20-22       2.3 中国对俄罗斯机电产品出口结构略论   22-25       2.4 中国对俄罗斯机电产品出口贸易的特点   25       2.5 本章小结   25-27   第3章 中国对俄机电产品出口贸易作用因素定性略论   27-37       3.1 供给和需求的作用   27-28           3.1.1 中国机电产品国际竞争力的作用   27           3.1.2 俄罗斯的经济水平及需求结构的作用   27-28           3.1.3 俄罗斯机电产品生产能力的作用   28       3.2 人民币对卢布汇率的作用   28-30       3.3 俄罗斯对中国直接投资的作用   30-31       3.4 俄罗斯贸易壁垒的作用   31-33           3.4.1 关税的作用   31-32           3.4.2 技术性壁垒的作用   32-33       3.5 制度安排的作用   33-35           3.5.1 区域性贸易组织的作用   33-34           3.5.2 双边贸易政策的作用   34-35       3.6 国际经济的作用   35-36           3.6.1 国际石油价格变动的作用   35           3.6.2 国际机电产品贸易市场发展的作用   35-36       3.7 本章小结   36-37   第4章 中国对俄机电产品出口贸易作用因素实证检验   37-47       4.1 模型的构建   37-40           4.1.1 变量指标的选取   37-38           4.1.2 模型的建立与数据来源   38-40       4.2 实证检验   40-45           4.2.1 相关性略论   40           4.2.2 单位根检验   40-42           4.2.3 协整检验   42-43           4.2.4 模型回归略论   43-44           4.2.5 格兰杰因果关系检验   44-45       4.3 实证检验结果   45-46       4.4 本章小结   46-47   第5章 实证结果略论及对策建议   47-52       5.1 实证结果略论   47-48       5.2 促进中国对俄机电产品出口贸易的对策建议   48-51           5.2.1 提高中国机电产品出口竞争力   48-49           5.2.2 挖掘俄罗斯市场需求   49-50           5.2.3 推动双向投资的扩大   50           5.2.4 政府支持搭建合作平台   50-51       5.3 本章小结   51-52   结论   52-53   参考文献   53-57   致谢   57  
