
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-21

Abstract:Speech act simply said is on the statement true or false value judgment, was first proposed by the famous British philosopher Austin, after years of development, the speech act of concrete can be divided into locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act three main aspects. The locutionary act is the act of narration, behavior refers to the narrative something and do something and perlocutionary act is in obedient person produce effect through the narrative of a certain event. In speech act in the process of development, due to the influence of geographical, ethnic and other factors, different regional culture and different cultural background of speech act there are different characteristics, and influence the development of the national language and culture. This thesis is a study of politeness strategies and politeness strategies in Russian language.

引言:礼貌是在人类社会发展过程中逐步形成的一种行为,关于规范社会准则、社会生活原则发挥着重要的影响,据了解,礼貌行为发展到现在已经有5 000多年的历史了。礼貌相关的准则和原则经过发展逐步成为了人们生产、生活、精神道德的重要组成部分。礼貌具有人本性、会话性,是为人处世
