
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

西班牙电影的“弗拉门戈情结一以卡洛斯·绍拉舞剧电影为例The Spanish Movie "flamenco" complex of a Carlos Saura drama film as an example




Flamenco means the Spanish nation warmly bold, bold and fearless spirit. In the Spanish art form, flamenco and bullfighting are often used to express people's emotional appeal. Flamenco is not only a unique blend of dance music and other artistic elements, and with functions and drama of the same construct a plot, and was the favorite of the film. Compared with the traditional drama, flamenco has a double lively emotional expression of body language, the dancers will itself the religious beliefs of happiness for, the fear of death, to the fate of injustice of anger and desire to love all Qingsa sideways in the dance. This intense infectious once infiltration in the Spanish blood, and their thoughts and feelings sucky, germinal each other and stream ceaseless become power of artistic creation. This paper is to study this kind of "flamenco" complex, which is a kind of cohesion in Spain in the film on the kernel. This paper is divided into five major departments. Chapeau flamenco sources and growth, energy internal and internal situation from the hands, she described the Spanish film with the fusion, and then analyze the "flamenco" this kind of play situation in Spain in the film, as the surface meaning of the internal narrative situation, followed by a profound discuss the said the characters' emotions and expression of the director's intention in the deep value. In this paper, the Spanish film important to Carlos Saura's flamenco Trilogy ("blood wedding" Carmen "magic love") as an example, and joint other director of the film, will be "flamenco" refining is a complex of film, the test of a to remind the frasnian Mengo to hide the Spanish film of the plain near family characteristics and the same aesthetic shape. Through the process of comparison between the Spanish and the Chinese and the national film in the face of the growing dilemma, trying to find out the national film ZTE and the prosperous future. Flamenco this old song and dance forms to the gorgeous appearance, in to the centuries in the future, indecent vague expression Jiu Long Lasting humanitarian and theme, the director is also precisely the application of this energy demands wrapped in this kind of play circumstances. No matter is under political pressure, still out of itself to the actual release of anguish, still to film his art exploration, "flamenco" complex carries too many Spaniards love and hate. From this, we can imagine that, although China's long history and brutal civilization has provided us with a wealth of artistic wealth, there are more excellent people in China. However, the national film in the process of the market has been in a dilemma, although the Spanish national film also has a similar results. This paper is to explore all promote ethnic film. And Hongyang Road, except for the movie you want to own plain near family tradition and ancient memory skills and human common emotional integration, creating ethnic film market capacity and audience groups must publish, exhibitors, and research institutions and so with as much as possible, and as long as such ethnic film true ability to the world.

