
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

格拉多斯钢琴曲《音乐会快板》演奏略论Granados piano concert "Allegro" performance analysis




Enrique Granados (1867-1916) is a Spanish folk music lay one, is a wonderful playing home and composer. His music continues the romantic mood of the music, and the Spanish rich musical elements of the invention of the invention of the Chinese, constitute a multiple music style. In this paper, as the point of playing the Department Granados the concert allegro. The works of playing skills and playing experience do touch the simply analysis and study. The full text is divided into three sections: introduction, this thesis and conclusion. The introduction discusses the topics of this topic, literature review, research significance and research methods. This thesis is divided into two departments, the first department for Granados the concert allegro "stop playing techniques and difficulty are analysed. In the second part of Spanish pianist Larrocha playing version and their playing embarrassing difficulties than, deeply discuss the concert allegro's playing experience the characteristics. The conclusion sums up the full text, and puts forward its own point of view.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   6-8       一、选题依据   6       二、文献综述   6-7       三、探讨的意义   7       四、探讨的重点与难点   7       五、探讨措施   7-8   一、 《音乐会快板》的演奏略论   8-15       (一) 格拉纳多斯和《音乐会快板》简介   8       (二) 《音乐会快板》的演奏略论   8-13       (三) 《音乐会快板》的演奏难点   13-15   二、 《音乐会快板》的演奏体验   15-20       (一) 呈示部的演奏体验略论   15-17       (二) 展开部的演奏体验略论   17-18       (三) 再现部的演奏体验略论   18-20   结语   20-21   致谢   21-22   参考文献   22-24   作者简介   24  
