
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

生活的歌者 - 洛佩兹其人艺术探讨The singer Lopez and his life and art research




Antonio Lopez Garcia, is one of the world's most familiar figurative realism in the 20--21 century, is gradually being the world's recognition of the Spanish realist artists. He more than half a century of art life kept to a private space as the theme, are projected to the ego energy pouring and for the love and career attitude towards life free from arrogance and impetuosity in his works convey a deep heart artistic character, showing the new realism art. This paper attempts to start from all the Spanish historical background, research Lopez poses with changes in the art style of this era, in-depth analysis of the impact of the creation of Spanish history civilization, realism of Lopez's art and the times of his life energy transformation, and through the process of deep analysis works reflect Lopez realism and the ancient art of close relationship. The content of this paper around the career of the artist and his artistic characteristics and open period research, attention to study the evolution of artistic style, artistic characteristics, and to explain the artist's artistic skills, full of personal emotions such as Lopez Han, the theme of painting mostly half is a friend and family originated in the career he was familiar with the the scene and his closest, but the common theme is the performance of his traditional realism painting to spain. Lopez in the way of realistic and experienced four different stages of Art: before and after 1955, "says" style; 1956 to 1965 "surrealism" influence the magic style; after 1965 "calm euphemism" style and seventy or eighty years after the actual return "recover the original simplicity" style. These artistic features show Lopez to private space, private emotions and on the side of changing childlike attitude and imagination, these private emotions and not the abstract representation of distinct features "theme", "social" tired of the vulgar, but with a face of the period of performance.


内容摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   第一章 绪论   7-10       第一节 探讨意义   7-8       第二节 探讨方向   8-9       第三节 探讨措施   9-10   第二章 洛佩兹概述   10-16       第一节 洛佩兹的生平经历   10       第二节 接近真实的人生态度   10-11       第三节 洛佩兹的天时、地利、人和   11-16           一、天时:不安定的时代背景造就更加坚定的艺术使命   11-12           二、地利:艺术般的城市—心中的马德里   12-13           三、人和:艺术道路上的良师益友   13-16   第三章 洛佩兹的艺术领域   16-28       第一节 艺术风格的演变   16-20       第二节 艺术领域的三部曲   20-28           一、单色空间之素描   20-22           二、多彩世界之油画   22-24           三、第三维度之雕塑   24-28   第四章 洛佩兹的具象语言解析   28-33       第一节 艺术特色和技巧   28-30           一、专一的创作题材   28           二、独特的多视角组合   28-29           三、巧妙的光线应用   29           四、多种技法的尝试   29-30       第二节 洛佩兹的个人情感与艺术语言   30-33           一、个人情感:用时间来证明态度   30-32           二、艺术语言:对现实主义的解密   32-33   结语   33-34   附录一:安东尼奥·洛佩兹·力加西亚大事年表   34-35   附录二:个展情况   35-36   附录三:部分著作的收藏情况   36-37   参考文献   37  
