
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

文化间穿梭的行旅者一文化视野下的埃尔·格列柯The shuttle in the inter cultural travellers a cross cultural perspective of El Greco


埃尔·格列柯(El Greco,1541一1614),是西班牙文艺中兴时代最主要的艺术家,也是款式主义艺术在西班牙的重要代表人物。他平生的萍踪遍及了克里特岛、威尼斯、罗马与西班牙,西语论文范文,其生涯与生长国家在地舆上和文明上都是一个开放的域,他的著作中渗入渗出了分歧文明中的艺术精力,西语专业论文,是多种文明碰撞的成果。本文以画家托莱多时代的著作为焦点,旨在联合格列柯分歧时代的艺术沉淀、生长情况中全体的文明不雅念和他的宗教偏向等要素,从跨文明的角度来剖析几种文明元素在他的著作中是若何游离的,画家挑选和沉淀了哪些文明元素使得他托莱多中早期的著作浮现出如斯高度的小我化,他又是如何借用这些文明元素的。经由过程探访其拜占庭艺术之根,来商量格列柯画中关闭或半关闭的环形空间是若何构成的,和他是若何将详细宗教文本的写作、资助人的请求与分歧的美学不雅念等交错在一路,构成本身奇特的视觉后果的。


El Greco (Greco El, 1541, 1614), is the Spanish Renaissance era of the most important artists, is also an important representative of the style of art in spain. The footmark of his life throughout the island of Crete, Venice, Rome and Spain, career and growth countries in geography and civilization are an open domain and his works in the infiltration of the cultural differences in the spirit of art, a variety of civilization collision results. This paper focuses on the works in the era of the painter of Toledo, to joint Greco divergence times art precipitation, growth in all civilized indecent read and his religious biases and other factors, from the cross-cultural perspective to analyze several cultural elements in his works is how free, the painter selection and precipitation which civilization elements makes Toledo he in the early works emerged as highly personal, he is how to use these cultural elements. Through visits to the root of the Byzantine art, to discuss the Geleg Ke painting in closed or semi closed annular space is how forms, and he is how aesthetics with religious text writing, the sponsors of the request and the divergence of indecent concept, such as staggered in a way to form their own unique visual effects of.


论文摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   目录   6-8   图录   8-10   引言   10-12   1. 格列柯与反宗教改革   12-18       1.1 克里特岛反宗教改革力量的兴起   12-13       1.2 并行的两种风格:《基督治愈盲人》   13-16       1.3 反宗教改革与托莱多:最后的《净化圣殿》   16-18   2. 拜占庭的乡愁   18-33       2.1 《分基督袍服》--为艺术而战   18-24           2.1.1 对于价格的争议与诉讼   19-20           2.1.2 形式背后的意义   20-24       2.2 《崇敬上帝之名》--空间观念的初探   24-29       2.3 使徒系列--超自然力量的表达   29-30       2.4 《马尔杜拉修士会的寓言》--拜占庭美学观与制图学的结合   30-31       2.5 “婴儿”--给“灵魂”的画像   31-33   3. 杂糅的底色与托莱多之梦   33-59       3.1 格列柯与托莱多文化圈   33-35       3.2 多明戈教堂祭坛画   35-45           3.2.1 “共同图像”的形成及意义   36-44           3.2.2 不同风格的探究--《基督头像》   44-45       3.3 马德里神学院主祭坛画--华丽的篇章与神秘的视觉隐喻   45-59           3.3.1 《道成肉身》--特殊的视觉语言   46-49           3.3.2 有关《牧人来拜》   49-55           3.3.3 《基督受洗》中天使重要性的延续   55-56           3.3.4 《基督受难》--拜占庭形式与西班牙宗教精神的结合   56-59   结论   59-62   参考文献   62-67   附录   67-75   致谢   75  
