
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

28届奥运会中外篮中锋攻防竞技实力比较探讨A comparative study of the twenty-eighth Olympic Games Chinese women's Basketball Center attack and defense competitive strength


古代男子篮球活动于 1976 年被正式列为奥运会竞赛项目,从此男子篮球活动获得了敏捷成长,活动员的身材形状、技战术程度等都产生了伟大变更,特别是嵬峨队员在竞赛中的感化日趋凸起,特殊是某些嵬峨中锋的涌现,使得世界男子篮球活动的成长加倍趋势于须眉篮球。“得中锋者得世界”、“离篮筐越近,投篮射中率越高” 早已成为篮球界的共鸣,而这也是相符古代篮球活动成长纪律的,是以中锋队员的实力程度在很年夜水平上曾经作用着球队的全体程度。 2004 年第 28 届奥运会上中国篮奋力拼搏,终究取得了第 9 名,间隔赛前制订的“保六争三”的目的相差甚远。中国女篮在这届奥运会上的表示其实不克不及使人满足,特别是外线施展更是不尽人意。在本届奥运会的 6 场竞赛中,中国女篮中锋除比亚洲球队日本、韩国稍有优势外,与其他欧美强队比拟,差距相当显著,使人担心。 本研究运用文献材料法、录相不雅察法、专家访谈法、逻辑剖析法、数理统计法等研究办法对第 28 届奥运会中国女篮停止的 6 场竞赛中中锋的防御、戍守多项目标停止统计剖析,研究成果注解(1)中国女篮中锋的身材形状与奥运会前四强比拟,存在较年夜的差距,均匀克托莱指数相差 14。4;和与赛队比拟,中国女篮和美国、西班牙两队的身材充分度相差较年夜,与西班牙相差 30。3,与捷克、新西兰根本持平,与日本、韩国比拟具有很强的优势。(2)防御才能方面,我国女篮中锋都分歧水平地和美国、西班牙、捷克、新西兰四国存在差距,在得分、中锋合营防御后果等方面存在较为明显的差别;在中锋抢位接球措施、小我进击措施上与韩国、日本根本雷同,裸露了亚洲外线球员的全体差距,在投篮措施和传球措施上中国女篮中锋比拟单1、落伍,急需改良。(3)据戍守统计目标显示,西语专业论文,中国女篮中锋的小我戍守胜利率与西班牙、美国、捷克、新西兰比拟,分离为 52%∶74%,43%∶72%,41%∶55%,44%∶73%,差距较年夜,西语专业论文,与韩国、日原形比为 79%∶50%,77%∶39%,具有较强的优势;戍守基本合营才能和与赛队比拟,胜利率很


Ancient men's basketball activities in 1976 was officially listed as an Olympic sport, from men's basketball activities obtained rapid growth and activity of body shape, technical and tactical level have great change, especially steep players in the competition effect is increasingly outstanding, special is the emergence of some big e center, the growth of world men's basketball activities of double trend in man basketball. "Center in the world", "from the basket more near, shooting hit rate higher," has become the resonance of the basketball, and this is consistent with ancient basketball growing discipline, to members of the center of the power level on the very big level has a great impact on the overall level of the team. 2004 28th Olympic Games the Chinese women's basketball team struggle, eventually achieved the ninth, the interval before making the "Paul VI struggles three" to differ very far. Chinese said the women's basketball team in the Olympic Games actually cannot satisfy, especially outside the display is unsatisfactory. In the Olympic Games in 6 games, Chinese women's basketball center other than the Asian Team Japan, South Korea has a slight advantage, compared with other teams in Europe and America, the gap is quite significant and lead people to worry about. This study used the literature material law, video not Yacha method, expert interview method, logic analysis method, mathematical statistics and other research methods on the 28th Olympic Games will stop the Chinese women's basketball team of 6 games in center of defense, guarding the multiple objectives is to carry on the statistical analysis, research notes (1) the center of Chinese women body shape and pre Olympic semi-finals match, there is a big gap, uniform Quetelet index difference of 14. 4; and team match, figure of the Chinese women's basketball team and the United States, Spain, the two teams full degree of difference is bigger, and the Spanish difference of 30. 3, and Czech, New Zealand is flat, compared with Japan, South Korea has a strong advantage. (2) defense ability, the Chinese women's basketball center are different level land and the United States, Spain, Czech Republic, New Zealand there is a gap, in terms of scoring points, the center joint defense consequences exist obvious difference; in center scramble the ball method, personal onslaught method with South Korea, Japan fundamentally the same, bare all the gap of perimeter players in Asia, in passing and shooting method center of Chinese women's basketball match 1 single, outdated and need to be improved. (3) according to the defensive statistics show, center of Chinese women's ego guarding wins rates with Spain and the United States, the Czech Republic, New Zealand match, separation was 52%, 74% and 43%: 72% and 41%: 55%, 44%: 73%, the gap is bigger, with South Korea, Japan and the prototype than 79%: 50%, 77%, 39%, with a strong advantage; defensive basic to the joint venture and the team match, the success rate is

