
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

卡洛斯·绍拉舞剧电影探讨Study on the Carlos Saura dance film




Carlos Saura is Spain's most outstanding film of the eve of the division one, he pioneered for the ballet film has its peculiar bright artistic style. Saura dance drama film agglutination with him decades film creation of wisdom and the essence, full of people aftertaste endless beauty of art. The Saura five dance drama film as an important object of assessment, from the theme, narrative, audio and video representation, style origin four aspects Pro Saura dance film carries on the comprehensive review and profound discussion. The annotation is divided into four chapters: first chapter from the works which conveyed subject thought carries on the elaboration, separation and explains the girl's fate and death death and loneliness, introspect the Spanish ethnic civilization the eve of the theme, trying to profound Saura energy world. The second chapter focuses on the analysis under the ballet film the special film art situation, Saura how wonderful to stop narrative; chapter three from color, light and space shape to start, comprehensive analysis of works of visual art charm; chapter four discuss Shola in the ballet film was invented was what side effects. The innovation is that this is the first stop on Saura dance film is the comprehensive study, deeply explore the works of artistic beauty.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   6-10   第一章 沉重积郁的主题表达   10-22       第一节 对女性命运的深切书写   10-14       第二节 对死亡与孤独的深入反思   14-18       第三节 对西班牙民族文化的深刻内省   18-22   第二章 以舞剧为载体的叙事策略   22-33       第一节 标志性的叙事模块   22-28       第二节 镜像式的电影叙事   28-33   第三章 华丽繁复的影像表现   33-44       第一节 精雕细琢的光影色彩   33-37       第二节 独具匠心的空间造型   37-44   第四章 舞剧电影的艺术风格溯源   44-53       第一节 现实与理想的合力塑造   44-48       第二节 对艺术大师的借鉴与继承   48-53   结语   53-56   参考文献   56-59   影视资料   59-60   后记   60  
