
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

汉语量词“个”与越南语“Chi(?)c,cái”对比探讨Chinese and Vietnamese quantifiers "a" Chi "(?) C, C, I "comparative study


古代汉语越南语量词既有必定的分歧性,又有很多差别。越南先生在汉语进修进程中,因为没有控制好两者的差异,所以他们在运用古代汉语量词时,常常会涌现一些毛病。“个”和“chi c,cái”分离是古代汉语和越南语运用规模最广、频率最高的量词,对于两者的差异关系,今朝还没有体系性的研究结果,这为越南先生更好地习得“个”带来了必定的艰苦。为懂得决这个成绩,越语专业论文,本文重要对古代汉语量词“个”与越南语量词“chi c,cái”睁开比较研究,并在此基本上,联合越南先生习得“个”的偏误,做一些教授教养战略上的商量。本文的重要内容以下:(一)引见汉语和越南语量词的概念及相干研究现状,解释本论文的选题启事与意义、研究对象、研究办法及语料起源。(二)古代汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”的比较研究,从运用规模、构造情势、句法功效三个方面,剖析两者的差异。在运用规模上,详细剖析了三种情形:一是汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”都可使用和都不克不及运用的情形;二是只能用汉语量词“个”不克不及用越南语“chi c,cái”的情形;三是只能用越南语“chi c,越语论文题目,cái”不克不及用汉语量词“个”的情形。构造情势上,重要比较剖析了汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”的堆叠情势、省略情势,和跟表现举措行动的词语停止组合的相干情势。在句法功效方面,本文停止比较了两者在充任定语、状语、补语、谓语、主语和宾语等六种句法成份上的个性与差别。(三)越南先生运用古代汉语量词“个”的偏误考核。经由过程问卷查询拜访的统计数据,归结越南先生在汉语量词“个”习得进程中罕见的偏误类型,联合比较研究的发明,剖析偏误的缘由,在此基本上提出本身有关的教授教养建议。


Ancient Chinese and Vietnamese quantifiers have certain differences, and there are a lot of differences. In the process of learning Chinese in Vietnam, and because of similarities and differences did not control them, so they used in ancient Chinese quantifiers, often there will be some problems. "A" and "Chi C, C, I" separation is ancient Chinese and Vietnamese is the most widely applied on a large scale, frequency highest quantifier, concerning both the similarities and differences of the relationship, there is not system research results, this is Mr. Vietnam better acquisition of the "a" bring the inevitable hard. To understand this result, this paper mainly research on ancient Chinese quantifiers and Vietnamese Quantifier "Chi C, C, I opened, and on this basis, combined with Vietnam Mr. acquisition of" a "bias, do some teaching strategies to discuss. An important part of this article, the following: (a) introduce Chinese and Vietnamese quantifier concept and relevant research current situation, explaining the topic reason and meaning, research object, research methods and data origin. A comparative study of (2) ancient Chinese Quantifier "a" and Vietnamese "Chi C, C, I", from the three aspects of the application scale, situation structure, syntactic function, analysis of both similarities and differences. On the application of the scale, a detailed analysis of the three kinds of situations: Chinese quantifiers and Vietnamese "Chi C, C, I can use and cannot application situation; the second is only Chinese Quantifier" a "means less than with the Vietnamese" Chi C, C, I "; the third is can only use the Vietnamese" Chi C, C, I can not use Chinese Quantifier "or a" situation. Tectonic situation important comparisons and analyses the Chinese quantifiers and Vietnamese "Chi C, C, I" stacking situation and the omission of the situation, and stop combined with words of performance actions of the relevant situation. In the syntactic function, this article compared the two acted as attribute, adverbial, complement, predicate, subject and object, such as six kinds of syntactic components of personality and differences. (three) Vietnam Mr. application of ancient Chinese Quantifier "Ge" error assessment. Through process questionnaire visit statistics, attributed Mr. Vietnam in Chinese Quantifier "Ge" acquisition process of rare types of errors, combined with a comparative study of invention, an analysis of causes for errors, on the basis of their teaching suggestions proposed.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   第一章 绪论   10-17       1.1 本论文相关的已有探讨概况   10-15           1.1.1 汉语量词探讨综述   10-12           1.1.2 越语量词探讨状况   12-14           1.1.3 汉越量词的对比探讨   14-15       1.2 本文探讨意义   15-16       1.3 本探讨的对象、措施及语料来源   16-17           1.3.1 探讨的对象及措施   16           1.3.2 语料来源   16-17   第二章 现代汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái””的使用范围对比   17-31       2.1 汉语量词“个”的使用范围   17-20           2.1.1 只能用“个”来称量的情况   17-18           2.1.2 不能用“个”来称量的情况   18-19           2.1.3 “个”用于可用其它量词称量的情况   19-20       2.2 越南语量词“chi c,cái”的使用范围   20-26           2.2.1 只能用量词“chi c,cái”来称量的情况   20-22           2.2.2 不能用量词“chi c,cái”来称量的情况   22-25           2.2.3 “Chi c,cái”用于可用其他量词称量的情况   25-26           2.2.4 “Chi c”和“cái”使用范围的差异   26       2.3 现代汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”的使用范围对比   26-29           2.3.1 汉量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”都可以使用的情况对比   26-27           2.3.2 汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”都不能使用的情况对比   27-28           2.3.3 只能用汉语量词“个”不能用越南语“chi c,cái”的情况   28-29           2.3.4 只能用越南语“chi c,cái”,不能用汉语量词“个”的情况   29       2.4 本章小结   29-31   第三章 现代汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”的结构形式对比   31-37       3.1 重叠形式对比   31-33       3.2 省略形式对比   33-34           3.2.1 省略数词“一”形式对比   33           3.2.2 省略名词形式对比   33           3.2.3 省略量词形式对比   33-34       3.3 跟动作组合相关形式对比   34-36           3.3.1 跟少数动词结合形式对比   34-35           3.3.2 “动/‘个’/宾”形式对比   35           3.3.3 “动/个/(得)/动、形”形式对比   35-36       3.4 本章小结   36-37   第四章 现代汉语量词“个”与越南语“chi c,cái”的句法功能对比   37-43       4.1 充当定语比较   37-38       4.2 充当主语比较   38-40       4.3 充当谓语比较   40       4.4 充当状语比较   40-41       4.5 充当补语比较   41       4.6 充当宾语比较   41-42       4.7 本章小结   42-43   第五章 越南学习者量词“个”的使用偏误略论及教学思考   43-53       5.1 调查问卷的设计   43       5.2 越南学生量词“个”的使用偏误略论   43-49           5.2.1 偏误类型   43-46           5.2.2 偏误原因   46-49       5.3 教学思考   49-52           5.3.1 对越南学生量词“个”教学的几点思考   49-50           5.3.2 对越南学生量词“个”教学刍议   50-52       5.4 本章小结   52-53   结语   53-54   参考文献   54-56   致谢   56-57   附录 A 问卷调查   57-59  
