
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型探讨The Vietnamese students in Chinese interlanguage (subject predicate sentence) research




Chinese subject predicate sentence is always the focus of foreign language teaching. The study in later research basically, to Chinese 14 subject predicate sentence pattern as the research object, application error analysis method, comparative analysis method and statistics method to carry on the exhaustive statistics and analysis to the advanced stage of Vietnam Mr. composition corpus, assessment of right and wrong in the application of Chinese the subject predicate sentence said, microscopic description of the advanced stage of Vietnam Mr. interlanguage of Chinese subject predicate sentence pattern profile. At the same time, discuss the reason and to to more in Chinese teaching has inspired. The full text of a total of 7719 sentences in line with the size of the assessment, the 4952 sentences for the correct sentence, the total accuracy rate of 64.15%, the number of fault lines for the 2767, the total rate of 35.85%. Research and invention, Vietnam, the use of "is" and "have" the most dark practice, the application of "Ba", "Bei", "is...... The most difficult. The application of Chinese subject predicate sentence error type integral representation for the error > > > missing generation error plus wrong order, hybridity. This thesis consists of six chapters: the first chapter explains the background and significance of the study, the scale of the study, the origin of the corpus, the summary of the results of the relevant research. In the second chapter, through the process of corpus stop exhaustive statistics and analysis, from the aspects of right and wrong separation application of higher assessment stage Vietnam Mr. interlanguage of Chinese verb predicate sentence. The third chapter from two aspects from the separation appraisal of higher level Vietnamese Mr. Chinese Interlanguage application non verb predicate sentence. Chapter four deals with the overview of Vietnam Mr. interlanguage of Chinese subject predicate sentence stop all description and contain accurate application situation and flaws in the application. The fifth chapter analyzes Vietnam Mr. Chinese inter subject predicate sentence picture composed of reason and the research inspired the Chinese teaching brings. The sixth chapter summarizes the research of this article.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5-6   第一章 绪论   9-18       第一节 探讨的提出和意义   9       第二节 相关探讨成果综述   9-15           一、 对于中介语的理论探讨   9-11           二、 现代汉语句型的本体探讨   11-12           三、 对外汉语句型教学探讨   12-13           四、 面向越南学生的汉语句型探讨   13-15       第三节 理论基础和探讨措施   15       第四节 探讨范围和语料来源   15-17       第五节 探讨思路和探讨目标   17-18   第二章 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)使用情况略论(上)   18-83       第一节 一般动词谓语句使用情况略论   18-35           一、 不及物动词谓语句使用情况   18-23           二、 单宾句使用情况   23-32           三、 双宾句使用情况   32-35       第二节 特殊动词谓语句使用情况   35-83           一、 “是”字句使用情况   35-43           二、 “有”字句使用情况   43-49           三、 “把”字句使用情况   49-55           四、 “被”字句使用情况   55-60           五、 存现句使用情况   60-67           六、 连谓句使用情况   67-75           七、 兼语句使用情况   75-83   第三章 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)使用情况略论(下)   83-103       第一节 “是……的”句使用情况   83-88       第二节 形容词谓语句使用情况   88-96       第三节 主谓谓语句使用情况   96-100       第四节 名词谓语句使用情况   100-103   第四章 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)概貌描写   103-114       第一节 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)概貌   103-106       第二节 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)正确使用情况   106-110       第三节 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)错误使用情况   110-114   第五章 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)概貌成因及启示   114-129       第一节 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)概貌的成因   114-125           一、 母语的作用   114-120           二、 目的语的作用   120-122           三、 “三教”因素的作用   122-124           四、 学生策略的作用   124-125       第二节 越南学生汉语中介语(主谓句型)探讨的启示   125-129           一、 对教师的启示   125-127           二、 对学生的启示   127-128           三、 对课程建设的启示   128-129   第六章 结语   129-130   参考文献   130-135   后记   135-136   攻读学位期间的学术论文目录   136  
