
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

汉—越委婉对比略论及对越南汉语委婉语教学探讨A contrastive analysis of Chinese and Vietnamese euphemism and the study on the teaching of Chinese Euphemism in Vietnam




Euphemistic language is a universal phenomenon in human speech, it is the main part of interpersonal communication. The Chinese and Vietnamese language Wan language stop comparative study not only helps to Vietnam to study growth are the Chinese Committee Wan language understand and can effectively improve their Chinese diplomatic skills. The in later research basically, the similarities and differences between Chinese and Vietnamese language Wan language stopped comparative study, and puts forward some teaching suggestions. The full text is divided into five departments: Chapter One: introduction, it is important to practical introduction about the euphemistic language, include Chinese Committee Wan language definition, Vietnam "Wan language definition, Chinese more euphemistic language refers to the size of the definition, study review, objectives, methods and significance; the second chapter: Chinese and Vietnamese language Wan language comparison, through compared analysis of both similarities and differences; Chapter Three: the Vietnamese learners learn Chinese euphemistic language query visits and analysis; the fourth chapter on the Vietnam learners to stop Chinese Committee Wan language teaching strategies; the fifth chapter conclusion. Hope this article can sponsored Vietnam to study their better familiar with, understand and control Chinese euphemistic language, more deeply understand the Chinese civilization, sponsorship of Vietnam to study progress their Chinese level. In addition, this study wishes to exchange between China and Vietnam is helpful to promote civilization.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   目录   5-7   第1章 绪论   7-13       1.1 探讨背景   7       1.2 委婉语的界定   7-9           1.2.1 汉语委婉语的界定   7-8           1.2.2 越南语委婉语的界定   8           1.2.3 汉-越委婉语所指范围的探讨界定   8-9       1.3 探讨综述   9-11           1.3.1 对于汉语委婉语的探讨   9-10           1.3.2 对于越南语委婉语的探讨   10           1.3.3 对于汉-越委婉语的对比探讨   10-11       1.4 探讨目的与意义   11       1.5 探讨措施   11-13           1.5.1 文献探讨法   11           1.5.2 对比探讨法   11-12           1.5.3 调查探讨法   12-13   第2章 汉-越委婉语的比较略论   13-29       2.1 汉-越委婉语的相似性   13-21           2.1.1 共同的禁忌心理   13-14           2.1.2 共同的使用范畴   14-20           2.1.3 共同的语义特点   20-21           2.1.4 共同的构造方式   21       2.2 汉-越委婉语的异同性   21-29           2.2.1 文化的异同   21-24           2.2.2 构造手段的异同   24-29   第3章 越南学习者学习汉语委婉语的情况调查及略论   29-40       3.1 越南学习者学习汉语委婉语的近况   29-35           3.1.1 探讨设计   29-30           3.1.2 越南学习者掌握汉语委婉语的水平等级划分   30           3.1.3 越南学习者对汉语委婉语的了解和评价   30-33           3.1.4 越南学习者学习汉语的背景   33-35       3.2 对越南学习者学习汉语委婉语近况的原因略论   35-40           3.2.1 汉语委婉语语义的复杂性   36           3.2.2 越南汉语学习者存在的问题   36-37           3.2.3 教学存在的问题   37-39           3.2.4 学习者母语负迁移的作用   39-40   第4章 对越南学习者进行汉语委婉语教学的对策   40-44       4.1 对于汉语委婉语的教学措施   40-43           4.1.1 加强文化背景知识的输入   40-41           4.1.2 应用对比法进行教学   41           4.1.3 注重设置语境开展教学   41-43       4.2 对于汉语委婉语的教材编写   43-44   第5章 结语   44-45   参考文献   45-47   致谢   47-48   附录 调查问卷   48-53  
