
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

汉语母语二语书面表现的测量和对比略论一以小学高年中国学生大学高年级越南学生的同题汉语作文为例A comparative analysis of the measurement and comparative analysis of the Chinese language and the two language performance of the Chinese students at the elementary school and the high grade students of the University in China


第二说话习得研究作为一个自力的研究范畴至今已有40多年的汗青。“说话表示”(performance)是第二说话习得研究中常常碰到的一个概念。说话表示(performance)是由Chomsky(乔姆斯基)提出的与说话才能(competence)绝对应的概念,指的是“操本族语者说出的详细说话”(克里斯特尔/沈家煊译2004:262),或许“人对说话的现实运用”(Richards等/管燕红译2000:338)。是以,说话表示剖析(performance analysis)也叫说话运用剖析(刘殉2000:203)或许说话表达剖析,即对进修者运用说话的详细表示停止剖析。在说话习得研究中,说话表示剖析是研究进修者说话及其成长进程的主要办法。本研究以小学高年级中国粹生和年夜学高年级越南先生的同题汉语作文为例,以试验与文献研究为重要办法,以第二说话习得、说话比拟为参照实际,经由过程对换查获得的语料停止统计剖析,提醒二者说话表达差异。从流畅性、精确性、庞杂性和多样性四个维度,对上述两组被试的口语言表示停止了丈量。本文共分为四章:第一章为引言,第二章为试验设计,第三章为试验成果,第四章为研究成果剖析。第一章是引言,起首引见本文的研究来由,选择对象与研究意义。其次,肯定说话表达、书面表达的概念;以后,描写说话表达的研究现状,对后人研究的结果做了扼要的引见。在此基本上简介本文研究办法与试验计划。第二章引见本文的试验设计,包含五个部门:试验目的、查询拜访设计与思绪、试验对象、时光与所在、丈量目标和统计对象。第三章是试验成果,是本文的焦点部门。经由过程对换查获得的数据停止统计剖析,中国粹生组和越南先生组在汉语同题作文时的口语言表示丈量成果总结以下:在流畅性方面,中国粹生组的字产出流畅性和词产出流畅性分离为8。8字/分钟和6。3词/分钟,越南先生组的字产出流畅性和词产出流畅性分离为8。1字/分钟和5。6词/分钟,中国粹生组的各项目标均略高于越南先生组。在精确性方面,中国粹生组各项目标显著高于越南先生组,越南语毕业论文,特别是在辞汇和句法精确性方面,越南先生组的毛病率到达了中国粹生组的2。6倍。在庞杂性方面,两组被试在汉字和词语庞杂性上的表示年夜体相当,越南语毕业论文,在汉字庞杂性目标方面,越南先生组的高等程度汉字字例数与总字例数之比、高等程度字型数与总字型数之比分离为29。2%和43。5%,中国粹生组这两项数据分离为30。2%和41。6%;在词语庞杂性目标方面,越南先生组的高等程度词例数与总词例数之比、高等程度的词型数与总词型数之比分离为24。4%和37。8%,中国粹生组这两项数据分离为23。9%和37。03%。在句法庞杂性方面,以均匀句长来丈量,中国粹生组均匀每句22。5字,越南先生组均匀每句23。4字,两组数据很接近,但越南先生组在以T单元长度为目标的句法庞杂性方面显著高于中国粹生组,是以以为,越南先生组的句法庞杂性高于中国粹生组。在多样性方面,字型数与总字数之比,中国粹生组和越南先生组分离为0。091和0。095;词语多样性的丈量目标一词型数与总词数之比,中国粹生组与越南先生组分离为0。190和0。214。在四种特别句式的运用方面,越南先生组“是”字句和“有”字句的运用频率显著高于中国粹生组,而“把”字句和“被”字句的用例数则少于中国粹生组。不外从每种句式外部句型的运用散布来看,越南先生组整体上略微多样和平衡一些。是以越南先生组的各项目标均略高于中国粹生组。在第四章,本文进一步对中国粹生组和越南先生组在汉语同题作文时的口语言表示从流畅性、精确性、庞杂性、多样性统计的成果停止剖析。同时初步说明越南先生组和中国粹生组选择语法点差异的缘由。


Second talk acquisition research as an independent research area has been more than 40 years of history. "Speech representation" (performance) is a concept that is often encountered in the study of second language acquisition. Speak said (performance) is proposed by Chomsky (Chomsky) and talk to (competence) should be absolute concept, refers to the "speakers speak with words" (crystal / Shen Jiaxuan translation 2004:262), probably to speak practical application "(Richards, / tube Yan red translation 2000:338). Is, the speech analysis (analysis performance) is also called the speech application analysis (Liu Xun 2000:203) perhaps the speech analysis, that is, the study of the application of a detailed analysis of the speech. In the acquisition of speech, speech analysis is the main way to study the speaker and the process of growth. This study in high school Chinese students and university high grade Mister Vietnam with the title of Chinese writing, for example, to test and literature research is an important way, in the second language acquisition, speech compared to refer to the actual, through the process of transfer check for the corpus to carry on the statistical analysis to remind both similarities and differences in speaking. From four dimensions of fluency, accuracy, complexity and diversity, the oral language of the two groups was tested. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, the second chapter is the experimental design, the third chapter is the experimental results, the fourth chapter is the analysis of the research results. The first chapter is the introduction, this paper first introduces the research reason, research significance and object selection. Secondly, it is the concept of expression, written expression, after the description of the status of the study, the results of future generations to do a brief introduction. This paper briefly introduces the research methods and test plan. The second chapter introduces the experimental design of this paper, including five departments: the purpose of the test, the design of the survey and the thoughts, the test object, the time and place, the measurement objectives and statistical objects. The third chapter is the experimental results, which is the focus of this paper. Through the process of swapping check data obtained in statistical analysis, the Chinese pure student group and Vietnam Mr. group in Chinese essay language said measurement results summarize the following: in terms of fluency, China student group of smooth output word and word output fluency separation 8. 8 words / minute and 6. 3 words / minute, the words of the Vietnamese group, the word output fluency and word output fluency is separated into 8. 1 words / minute and 5. 6 words per minute, the objectives of China student group were slightly higher than the Vietnam group mr.. In terms of accuracy, Chinese pure student group the target was significantly higher than that of Vietnam Mr. group, especially in lexical and syntactic accuracy, Vietnam Mr. group fault rate reached China student group 2. 6 times. In the complex, two groups of subjects representation in Chinese characters and words, complex body is big, in Chinese complex target, Vietnam Mr. group higher degree of Chinese word cases / the number of total cases number ratio, higher degree of font and font than 29. 2% and 43. 5%, China student group the two data is separated into 30. 2% and 41. 6%; in terms of the complexity of the target, the higher degree of the group of Vietnam and the number of the total number of cases, the higher degree of the number of words and the total number of words than the ratio of 24. 4% and 37. 8%, China student group the two data is separated into 23. 9% and 37. 03%. In the syntactic complexity, with uniform sentence length to measure, Chinese student group average sentence 22. 5 words, the group of Vietnam evenly 23. Four words, very close to the data of the two groups, but Mr. group in Vietnam in T cell length target syntactic complexity was significantly higher than that of pure China group is higher than the Chinese student group takes the view that Vietnam Mr. group of syntactic complexity. In diversity, the number of fonts and total number ratio, Chinese student group and the group split into 0 Vietnam mr.. 091 and 0. 095 words; diversity measure target word type number and the total number of words than, Chinese student group and the group split into 0 Vietnam mr.. 190 and 0. 214. In the application of four special sentence patterns of Vietnam Mr. group "is" words and "sentence application frequency was significantly higher than that of pure Chinese students and" leave "words and" is "sentence of the case number less than Chinese students group. But from the application of each sentence pattern outside the spread of the point of view, the overall group of Vietnam slightly different and balanced. Is the target group were slightly higher than that of Vietnam Mr. Chinese student group. In the fourth chapter, the paper further on Chinese students group and Vietnam Mr. group in Chinese essay language said from the fluency, accuracy, complexity, diverse results of statistical analysis. At the same time preliminary explain why Vietnamese students China Mr. group and group selection of grammar points of similarities and differences.

