面向越南学生汉语教材的几点思考Some reflections on Chinese teaching materials for Vietnamese Students 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,越语论文网站,内容请直接查看目录。) 教材为教授教养的基本,系教授教养的根据,教材的质量,在很年夜水平上作用着教授教养后果。特殊是在对外华文进修的晚期环节。教材在激起汉语进修者的进修兴致,赞助进修者控制说话基本常识方面起着更加:重要的后果。对方才接触汉语的进修者而言,汉语综合课教材即主要课程的教授教养材料,综合汉语教材划分为语音、语汇、词法句法、汉字等中文重要常识。所以,教授教养材料的利害,会在很年夜水平上关系到全部教授教养程度的高下。《汉语教程》、《胜利之路》与《成长汉语》三套教材是越南各个高级院校订外汉语专业低级阶段的重要教材。本文试图从编写实际根据、课文、生词、语法与演习等方面停止比较剖析,研讨各套教材编写的一些差异,从而发明三套教材各自的长处和缺乏。最初,对相干问卷查询拜访的成果停止剖析汇总,从而提出对于对外汉语教材课文、生词、语法与演习等个部门编写的一些建议。愿望本文对今后对外汉语教材演习部门的编写,越语论文题目,和越南教授教养者该若何选用教材方面起到必定的自创感化。 Abstract: Teaching materials for the teaching of the basic, the Department of teaching based on the quality of teaching materials, in a very large extent, the impact on the teaching of the consequences of teaching. Special is the advanced stage of foreign language learning. Teaching materials play a more important effect in stimulating the interest of Chinese learners in learning to control the basic knowledge of speech. Each other in order to contact Chinese learners, Chinese comprehensive textbooks is the main course of teaching materials, comprehensive Chinese textbooks are divided as important knowledge of pronunciation, vocabulary, morphology and syntax, Chinese characters, such as Chinese. Therefore, the teaching materials of interest, will be in a very large extent related to the degree of teaching all the professors. "Chinese course", "the road of success" and "the growth of Chinese" three sets of teaching materials are the important materials for the Chinese professional and junior high school in Vietnam. This article attempts to write the actual basis, the text, new words, grammar and exercise and other aspects of comparative analysis, to explore some of the similarities and differences in the compilation of textbooks, so as to invent the strengths and weaknesses of the three sets of teaching materials. At first, the analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey is summarized, so as to put forward some suggestions on the compilation of the text, new words, grammar and exercises in the foreign language teaching materials. The desire of this article on the future of the Chinese language teaching material exercise Department of the preparation, and the Vietnamese teaching people how to choose the teaching material to play a certain role. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 绪论 7-12 一、选题理由 7 二、探讨对象与目的 7-8 三、探讨措施 8 四、探讨综述 8-12 第一章 《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》的编写理论依据略论 12-15 一、《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》的编写理念 12 二、《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》的编写准则 12-15 第二章 《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》课文比较略论 15-21 一、课文的题材对比略论 15-17 二、课文的体载对比略论 17-18 三、针对越南学习者和教学者的课文部分编写及使用建议 18-21 第三章 《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》生词比较略论 21-27 一、生词数量比较 21-23 二、生词选入 23-25 三、针对越南学习者和教学者的词汇部分编写及使用建议 25-27 第四章 《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》语法比较略论 27-37 一、语法点数量的控制 27-28 二、语法项目的切分情况 28-33 三、针对越南学习者和教学者的语法部分编写及使用建议 33-37 第五章 《汉语教程》、《发展汉语》和《成功之路》练习比较略论 37-46 一、练习题型对比略论 37-39 二、练习题型略论 39-43 三、针对越南学习者和教学者的练习部分编写及使用建议 43-46 结束语 46-48 参考文献 48-50 附录1 50-51 附录2 51-53 附录3 53-54 致谢 54-55 |