
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

阮氏统治时期越南外贸管理16001862)Foreign trade management during the reign of Vietnam Nguyen (1600 - 1862)




Nguyen rule under the governance of foreign trade in Vietnam, according to the different historical period is divided into three departments: the first times to 1600, 1802, Ruan advocate era. In this era, foreign trade can be said that in a sense it may with the south Zheng against the crux of identity. Therefore, the Nguyen on foreign trade management is also very cautious. Because of the Nguyen era, foreign trade frequently, foreign trade has become the main part of the financial expenditure tax expenditure. Nguyen governance rail system an important function for the implementation of the policy of domestic commercial, as the creation of wealth, to attract foreign investors in a wrist. Its goal is not only through the process of this kind of mechanism, tax management, but also in dealings with the country merchant expansion its political influence, the contact of the nations, to facilitate the economic growth of miles. This era, because Nguyen open foreign trade policy causes domestic agile business prosperous, governance is also a set of system and operation method, beneficial to enhance the growth of the domestic commercial at the time, but because it is not perfect enough. Therefore, there are still many ills, such as a gift of money levied casually and so on, but it's important obligation or economic in nature of. Second times that from 1802 to 1840. Vietnam in the era of Ruan ruled south, to compensate for the plain near by country, the purchase of their weapon, ship authorities encouraged foreigners to come to the frontier and foreign business is very lively. Nguyen Dynasty established, lung and bright life must level also continued tradition of Nguyen's foreign trade and international licensing foreign people stop legitimate business. This era is the pinnacle of Nguyen feudal dynasty, the rail system is increasingly perfect, a domestic business management systems is also redoubling its perfect, with specialized management of commercial institutions and governance action are growing more and more perceptible, ship tax levied increasingly diverse, more stable and has certain dexterity of. Third times 1840 1862. In 1839, the British yapian war burst. So far, China began his colonial half colonial process. In 1840 in the future, Oriental colonial settlers into China, through the process of fighting, signed a contract, to judicial situation gives a lot of trading privileges. And in this era created a lot of financial institutions, foreign trade monopoly Chinese. In and through the process of unfair trade by the business with Chinese surplus into deficit. With all kinds of commercial treaty cover to change China with colonial powers between the trade deficit. Then China foreign trade is the object of the eastern powers. In Southeast Asian countries, foreign trade decreased suddenly. In Vietnam's foreign trade company, the main business of a Chinese. Since the Nguyen when the leading position in China's commercial foundation. Is to China trade orientation produced change, the biggest impact is vietnam. In 1840, the Sino Vietnamese trade decreased quickly. But the Vietnamese rulers are still very value of China this business partner. Although by the very big impact, but the official business between China and Vietnam is still on. In the initial stages of the Nguyen Dynasty, Nguyen's China business double major, not only economic significance, more political significance. This time because the comprehensive domestic commercial policy to close the country to international intercourse, greatly restricted. Invasion of France has opened the door to more, the Nguyen Dynasty the customs system gradually being displaced French reap, merchant ships to yamen gradually to the modern customs system bias transformation. Parallel trade emerged in two different governance situation. In the governance level on the formation of a certain level of messy.

