越南学生汉语状语的习得情况考察A study on the acquisition of Chinese adverbial of Vietnamese Students 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 状语是汉语句子中一个异常主要的句法成份,也是越南先生轻易涌现偏误的语法点之一。本文经由过程语料剖析、比较剖析等研究办法,并运用统计的手腕,对古代汉语状语的分歧类型的偏误停止了迷信的研究和剖析,愿望可以或许发明越南先生进修汉语状语时的一些纪律性景象,并尽量地做出客不雅的说明,越语论文题目,愿望对今后的对越南先生的对外汉语教授教养和研究可以或许带来赞助。全文共分为六个部门:第一章,绪论。交卸了选题的缘由、意义、研究价值和研究的规模、办法、思绪等根本信息,并对本国先生习得汉语状语相干的研究综述停止了回想。第二章,汉越状语比较。在汉语说话学界对“状语”的界说框架下,将古代汉语的状语分红两年夜类、八小类。同时引见了越南语的状语,并从汉语分类的角度对汉语和越南语的状语语序停止了比较。第三章,越南先生汉语状语输入情形考核。本章对“汉语状语”的各类小类的输入情形停止了剖析。第四章,越南先生汉语状语偏误和习得情形。简略引见了偏误类型,然后就越南先生习得汉语状语的偏误情形停止了统计和剖析,评论辩论了其习得情形。第五章,偏误缘由剖析和教授教养建议。剖析了越南先生汉语状语的偏误情形,剖析以为发生偏误的缘由重要包含母语迁徙身分和先生的进修程度,越南语论文题目,然后提出了对于越南先生习得汉语状语的教授教养建议。第六章结语。总结全文的重要内容、缺陷与缺乏,并对其他的一些相干成绩作了初步的商量。 Abstract: Adverbial is one of the main syntactic components in Chinese sentences, and it is also one of the grammatical points that the Vietnamese are easy to emerge. Through the process of data analysis, comparative analysis and other research methods, and the use of statistical methods, the different types of ancient Chinese adverbial error to stop the scientific research and analysis, the desire may be invented in Vietnam, and try to make some of the best in the future. The full text is divided into six parts: the first chapter, introduction. Pick up the topics of the reason, significance, research value and research scope, methods, thoughts of the basic information, and reviewed the foreign students acquisition of Chinese adverbial coherent stop thinking. The second chapter, the comparison of Chinese and vietnamese. In the Chinese speaking circles on "adverbial" definition under the framework of the ancient Chinese adverbial divided into two categories, eight small classes. At the same time on Vietnamese adverbials, and adverbial word order of Chinese and Vietnamese from the point of view of the comparison of Chinese classification. The third chapter, the situation of the input of the Chinese adverbial input in vietnam. In this chapter, we analyze the input of various types of small class. The fourth chapter, the error and the acquisition of the adverbial of the Vietnamese language. The error types are briefly introduced, and then the error of the Chinese Adverbial in the acquisition of Chinese adverbial is analyzed, and the situation of its acquisition is discussed. The fifth chapter is the analysis of the cause of errors and the suggestion of the teaching. This part analyzes the errors of Vietnamese students, and analyzes the reasons of the errors of the reason of the importance of the transfer of the mother tongue and the degree of the students. The sixth chapter is the conclusion. To sum up the important contents, the defects and the lack of the full text, and discuss some relevant results of the paper. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第一章 引言 6-10 1.1 考察对象和探讨思路 6 1.2 论文探讨的意义和价值 6 1.3 相关探讨综述 6-10 第二章 汉越状语语序对比 10-22 2.1 汉语状语的定义及分类 10-13 2.2 越南语的状语 13-16 2.3 汉语状语译成越语后的句法位置 16-22 第三章 越南学生汉语状语输出情况考察 22-26 3.1 非描写性状语的输出情况 22-23 3.2 描写性状语的输出情况 23-26 第四章 越南学生汉语状语偏误和习得情况 26-35 4.1 越南学生汉语状语的偏误类型 26-29 4.2 各类状语的偏误情况 29-33 4.3 各类状语的偏误率和习得情况讨论 33-35 第五章 偏误原因略论和教学建议 35-42 5.1 各类状语的偏误分布情况 35 5.2 偏误原因略论 35-40 5.3 相关教学建议 40-42 第六章 结语 42-44 参考文献 44-46 后记 46-47 |