
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

阿尔语系蒙古语语言语法比较探讨A comparative study of Altai language family of Mongolia grammar


阿尔泰学重要研究阿尔泰语系的突厥语族、蒙古语族和满一通古斯语族说话。阿尔泰学为研究这个规模以内的说话供给了办法和实际。传统实际和办法是构造主义说话学和汗青比拟说话学。 汗青比拟说话学触及到原始阿尔泰语, 即从原始阿尔泰语动身说明古代说话的各个说话景象。 阿尔泰学广泛应用的说话谱系论,是古代阿尔泰语系的各个说话跟着原始阿尔泰语疏散后成长过去的。 蒙古语族说话异样来自一个原始配合蒙古语。 构造主义说话学限制本身的研究于各说话外部构造,从外部构造来说明各语法情势。 构造主义说话学否认说话随说话情况产生关系,不斟酌汗青学、社会学和文明学对说话学所供给的常识。在这个实际和办法的框架里, 阿尔泰学被分为古代突厥学、蒙古学和满一通古斯学。 在说话学各学科中,泰语专业论文,年夜部门学者又只将本身的研究限制在一种说话中。 阿尔泰学掉去了它的全体性,其实际和办法没有再持续成长,招致阿尔泰学的危机,形成其没法应对古代批驳者。阿尔泰学从说话学动身说明阿尔泰语系各个说话之间的关系。说话的关系就是应用这些说话平易近族的关系。 传统阿尔泰学实际主意“同源关系”,其它学者提出“接触关系”。 今朝两种说法构成互不相容的对峙面。面临这类现状,本论文试图用一些新的实际和办法去研究传统阿尔泰学的内容。以蒙古语族说话的一些详细的语法领域的比拟研究为基本,发明蒙古语族说话有很多景象合适运用浑沌学的实际和办法去研究。 年夜家都晓得,说话的成长不是线性的。说话也不是一种关闭性的构造,而是与说话情况赓续产生相互作用的关系。浑沌学为研究像说话那种庞杂体系的各个景象和其全部的体系成长供给了一套实际和办法。 本论文从情势和内容上反应阿尔泰学能够度过的成长阶段在绪论中,引见了阿尔泰学前驱对阿尔泰学的成长(第一节)和对各个蒙古语族说话研究(第二节)的进献。引见完各个说话的研究状态后,第三节翻开传统说话学的窗户,让读者看见说话在天然情况中的地位。这就是文明说话学的进献说话学的研究对象不再是一个隔离的关闭构造,而是在汗青、社会、文明天然情况中的一个体系。论文对这个开放的、庞杂体系选择的研究办法是古代比拟说话学的办法,说明研究成果的实际是浑沌学供给的实际和模子。 说话学应当从详细的说话景象动身。是以,论文重要部门是对蒙古语族各个说话的一些代表性的语法领域停止比拟研究,这部门比拟具体、周全地引见息争释了所选择的几个领域。各个说话的研究材料一是来自论文中引见的书面材料,二是在实地查询拜访搜集的各说话的第一手材料。第二章固然在传统语法领域里停止比拟,然则常常对这些领域提出一些新的看法。经由过程比拟多种说话中的异样的语法景象,泰语论文,对很多语法景象又有新的熟悉。之前,变格体系普通地从名词变格动身来研究,可是蒙古语族说话中,人称代词比名词更完全地保留着各说话独有的变格体系。蒙古语族说话里谓语的人称变更是自近二百年才开端在各说话中自力成长的。这类成长与传统阿尔泰学的同源和疏散论相抵触,也不克不及用接触论来说明。 是以,本文在第三章试图用浑沌学实际说明详细研究中发明的一些景象。经由过程周全地引见、研究各个领域可以免以折衷主义立场选出来一些合适证实浑沌学实际的例子,防止尽可能省略不相符或许驳倒浑沌学实际的例子的立场。 经由过程比拟研究我们发明,说话确切相符庞杂体系的纪律。因为说话的成长不是线性的,我们不会修复传统阿尔泰实际所请求的原始说话。自从蒙古语族各说话离开说话学可以研究的规模,各说话有了本身的特色。说话的成长长短线性的,受很多外部和内部身分的作用。说话和说话情况的关系在成长进程中赓续的转变。依据这个关系的表示可以晓得说话处于哪一个成长阶段。在赓续变更的说话情况中,说话内含的语律例律供给懂得各文明景象和景象之间的关系的一种模子。症结词阿尔泰学,蒙古语族说话,文明说话学,浑沌学,说话学实际


Altai, Altai Turkic languages of Mongolia. An important research and a full Tungus speaking. Altai study for the study of the scale of the speech provided the way and the actual. The traditional practice and method is to construct the theory of speech science and historical analogy. Historical analogy learning to speak to reach original Altaic language, namely from the start of the Thai original al that ancient speaking all talking picture. Altai, a widely used speech spectrum theory, is the ancient Altai language of the various talk with the original Altai after the evacuation of the original language of the development of the past. Mongolia language speak from a primitive Mongolian with strange. The research on the construction of the theory of speech restriction in itself is the study of the external structure of the speech, and from the external structure to explain the grammatical forms. Structuralism speak learn denied talk with talk of relationship, don't consider sweat Seigaku, sociology and civilization of the supply of knowledge learning to speak. In the framework of the theory and method in the study of Altai is divided into ancient Turkic studies, Mongolia studies and a full turgus. In various disciplines of speech, the majority of scholars will only own research limitations in a speech. Altaistic lost it all, the actual and measures no longer continue to grow, cause Altaistic crisis, forming not cope with ancient critics. Altai learn from the language of speech to explain the relationship between the various languages of Altai language. The relationship between speech and speech is the use of these people. Traditional Altai theory "homology relationship", other scholars put forward "contact relationship". At the present, the two statements are incompatible with each other. Faced with this situation, this paper attempts to use some new practice and methods to study the contents of the traditional Altai. In the Mongolian speaking some detailed grammar in the field of comparative research as the basic, the invention of the Mongolian speak a lot of scene suitable application of chaos theory and the method to study. The eve of the family know that the growth is not linear. Talk is not a closed structure, but the relation of mutual influence and speak continuously. Chaos theory as the research like talking every kind of complicated system, the scene and the full system provides a set of theory and method. This paper from the situation and content reaction Altai science can survive the growth stage in the introduction, introduced the Altai pre flooding of Altaic Studies growth (Section 1) and the various Mongolian speaking research (Section 2) contribution. After the introduction of the various talking state, the third section opens the window of the traditional speech, so that readers see the status of speech in the natural situation. This is the study of the culture of speech science into the study object is no longer a separation of the closed structure, but in the history, society, civilization, a system of natural conditions. The choice of the open and complex system of research methods is the ancient compared to learning to speak, illustrate the research achievements is actually chaos theory to the reality of supply and mold. Speaking learning should start from the detailed picture. In important sectors of the thesis is to talk to the Mongolian each representative grammar in the field of comparative research, the Department of the match specific, comprehensive introduction information release the choice of several areas. Each talk about the material from the papers presented in the paper, the two is in the field of inquiry to collect the first hand materials collected. The second chapter is the traditional grammar in the field of comparison, but often put forward some new views on these areas. Through the process of comparison of a variety of speech in the same grammatical picture, a lot of grammatical picture and a new familiar. Before, variable grid system common nouns from the variable grid start to study, but the Mongolian speech pronouns than nouns more fully retains the speak unique style system. Speaking in Mongolia group said the change is the predicate self growth since the past two hundred years beginning in the conversation. This kind of growth and the traditional Altai School of homology and the evacuation of the theory of conflict, also cannot use the contact theory to explain. So, this paper tries to use the chaology to explain some actual scene in the invention of detailed discussion in chapter third. Through the comprehensive introduction, research in various fields can be free to eclectic position selected some suitable confirmed chaos practical example, prevent as far as possible the ellipsis does not match may refute chaology to the actual examples of position. Through the process of comparison, we find that the exact words consistent with the discipline of the complex system. Because the growth of speech is not linear, we will not repair the original Altai actually requested the original speech. Since the Mongolia language talk talk and can leave on the scale, each had its own characteristics. The length of speech is linear, and is influenced by many external and internal factors. Change of the relationship between talking and talking situation in the process of growing up continuously. According to the relationship that can know what to speak in a growth stage. In ceaseless change to speak, speak containing the statutes of the language law supply to understand the relationship between the cultural phenomenon and the scene of a mold. crux

