
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国现象”:政治态度社会结构Thailand "phenomenon": political attitude and social structure




For a long time since the growth of China plain near the main transition and democratic politics are stable performance is one of the hot research. In the course of research and development of China's degree of democracy and more and more scholars are familiar with the fact that economic growth is not necessarily a greater number of people in the past. Economic growth, the benefits of the new groups and the slow growth of the political system, the system can lead to confusion. And in this kind of messy order of the election also fell to his people advocate righteousness. In Thailand, the emergence of a very inconsistent state, on the one hand, the frequency of military politics is still, on the one hand, to maintain the election, but do not respect the election results. This kind of contradiction is rooted in the social structure of Thailand. Thailand society is not actually a lax evacuation society, nor a pure social hierarchy, but a group composed of grade and social network. Its characteristics are the majority of the elite led by Oga Chumi as a link, simple blood and strongman rule. This kind of social structure makes the integration of Thailand's political advantage of the lack of institutional and organizational characteristics, the public life of the intervention is not the individual or organization, but the majority of the elite, most of the national intervention is an active member of the. This has led to the election of the coup, whether it is the same as the majority of people. In this paper, a case analysis of political position, and from the three aspects of organization, grade and rights, the social structure in Thailand to discuss, and then analyze the coup in Thailand and the coexistence of political elections.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第一章 绪论   6-17       第一节 选题背景和探讨意义   6-7           一、选题背景   6-7           二、探讨意义   7       第二节 泰国政治探讨的近况及探讨假设的提出   7-14           一、国内外探讨状况概述   7-9           二、探讨综述及假设   9-14       第三节 概念与措施   14-17           一、相关概念   14-16           二、探讨框架   16           三、探讨措施   16-17   第二章 泰国“现象”:政变与选举并存   17-18       一、 泰国政治历程   17       二、 交替的选举与政变   17-18   第三章 政治态度探讨--以泰国法政大学为例   18-30       第一节 调研对象   19-21       第二节 政治态度略论--自由-保守框架   21-23       第三节 社会特征与政治态度   23-28       第四节 政变与选举一中产阶级的选择   28-30   第四章 社会结构与泰国现象   30-42       第一节 组织与泰国现象   30-36           一、泰国王室   30-32           二、泰国佛教   32-33           三、泰国军队   33-36       第二节 等级与泰国现象   36-38       第三节 权力与泰国现象   38-40       第四节 非传统势力与泰国现象   40-42   第五章 结语   42-43   注释   43-47   参考文献   47-50   附录   50-53   致谢   53-54  
