对泰国中学生汉字教学的探究Exploration of Chinese characters teaching in Thailand middle school students 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 最近几年来,对外汉语教授教养作为一门新兴学科成长得非常敏捷。特别是2017年的奥运会和2017年上海世博会的胜利举行,全球规模内涌现了“汉语热”,我国对外汉语教授教养迎来了史无前例的成长期。固然对外汉语教授教养程度在赓续进步,然则汉字教授教养作为汉语教授教养的主要构成部门,一向以来没有获得应有的看重和,汉字教授教养严重落伍,一向处于附属的位置,这形成了先生的据说和读写才能的严重不屈衡,许多先生可以说一口流畅的汉语,然则在读写上却处于“文盲”和“半文盲”状况,赵金铭就指出:“对东方人来讲,汉语才是真实的外语。个中最艰苦的是汉字。汉字教授教养是汉语作为外语教授教养与汉语作为母语教授教养的最年夜差别之一。汉字是东方人持续进修汉语的瓶颈。汉字教授教养是汉语作为第二说话教授教养分歧于汉语作为母语教授教养或其他拼音文字说话教授教养的最年夜差别之一。”泰国作为非汉字圈的汉语输出国度,对外汉字教授教养的位置和感化非常主要,近几年,泰国汉语教授教养蓬勃成长,汉字教授教养也获得了愈来愈多的看重,然则汉字教授教养比拟较全部对外汉语教授教养来讲却异常滞后的,这表现在泰国粹校订汉字课程的及设置,教员对汉字教授教养办法的控制和先生对汉字进修的看重水平上。可以说,汉字教授教养曾经成为汉语教授教养的瓶颈,成为作用先生进一步进修汉语、进步汉语的最年夜困难。本文侧重商量泰国汉字教授教养所面对的成绩及对策,愿望能对转变这一现状供给一些赞助。 Abstract: In recent years, as a new discipline, the development of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has grown very fast. Especially in 2017, the Olympic Games and the 2017 Shanghai World Expo held in the world, the emergence of the global scale of Chinese fever, Chinese foreign language teaching ushered in an unprecedented period of development. Although the foreign language teaching in the teaching progress continuously, but Chinese characters as the main part of Chinese teaching, has not yet received due attention and Chinese characters teaching backward, always subordinate position, which is said to Mr. read and write a serious imbalance, many can be said that Mr. a fluent Chinese, but in the "illiterate" and "illiterate" in writing and reading, Zhao Jinming pointed out: "the Oriental people, Chinese is the true language. One of the most difficult is the Chinese characters. Chinese character teaching is one of the biggest differences between Chinese teaching and Chinese language teaching. Chinese characters are the bottleneck of the Oriental people who continue to learn Chinese. Chinese character teaching as a second language teaching and learning is different from the one of the biggest differences between Chinese teaching and other phonetic teaching." Thailand as the Chinese nation output non circle Chinese characters, foreign Chinese characters teaching position and role is very important, in recent years, Thailand Chinese teaching development, teaching Chinese characters also received more and more attention, but Chinese characters teaching than all foreign language teaching is abnormal lag, the revised curriculum Chinese characters and set in Thailand Cui teachers to the teaching methods, Chinese characters and control of learning about Mr. Chinese characters level. It can be said that the Chinese character teaching has become the bottleneck of Chinese teaching, and become the most difficult to further study the Chinese language and improve the Chinese language. This paper focuses on the discussion of the results and Countermeasures of the Chinese character teaching in Thailand, and the desire to change the status quo to provide some support. 目录: 摘要 5 引言 8 第一章 汉字教学的概况 8-12 第一节 汉字教学在对外汉语教学中的核心地位 8-10 第二节 汉字教学探讨的近况 10-11 第三节 汉字教学的特殊性 11-12 第二章 泰国中学汉字教学的发展近况 12-13 第一节 泰国教育制度的基本情况 12 第二节 泰国中学汉字教学的发展概况 12-13 第三章 泰国中学汉字教学存在的问题 13-20 第一节 教学法方面的问题 13-15 一 缺乏针对汉字特点和习得规律的有效教学措施 13-14 二 教师在教学过程中“重整体,轻局部” 14-15 第二节 缺乏系统的有规划的汉字教材 15-16 第三节 课程设置方面的问题 16-18 一 课时少,不连贯 16-17 二 对汉字重视不够,泰语论文范文,没有专门教授汉字的课程 17-18 第四节 师资力量方面的问题 18-20 一 合格汉语教师的数量严重不足 18-19 二 一线汉语教师的教学水平和汉字水平普遍不高 19-20 第四章 泰国学生学习汉字的特点及难点 20-22 第一节 泰国学生学习汉字的特点 20-21 一 重视汉字轮廓,忽视局部异同 20-21 二 重视汉字的音、形,对“义”的重视不够 21 第二节 泰国学生学习汉字的难点 21-22 一 由于泰语负迁移的作用造成的运笔及笔顺的错误、笔画笔形的变更 21-22 二 繁简字转换,造成学生学习负担的增加 22 第五章 针对解决泰国汉字教学近况及问题的对策的探究 22-29 第一节 制定实用的汉字教学大纲 23-24 第二节 编写适用的,泰语毕业论文,符合泰国学生习得特点的汉字教材 24-25 第三节 改革及完善教学法 25-29 一 树立“字本位”观念 25-26 二 强调汉字体系的内在规律,注重汉字的音、形、义结合 26-27 三 从泰国学生汉字习得特点出发,重视汉字构字部件的教学 27-28 四 初级阶段多利用卡片、多媒体等教学工具来增加汉字教学的趣味性 28-29 结语 29-31 参考文献 31 |