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面向泰国小学生的汉语教学法探讨一以泰国Kiatikoynvitaya School为例[泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

面向泰国小学生的汉语学法探讨一以泰国Kiatikoynvitaya School为例A study of Chinese teaching method for primary school students in Thailand: a case study of School Kiatikoynvitaya in Thailand


跟着社会和经济的敏捷成长,中国的国际作用力日趋加强,泰语论文范文,汉语的国际推行任务同样成了国度文明软实力扶植的主要内容之一。在现在的全球汉语高潮中,进修汉语的人群愈来愈多,若何针对分歧的授教养对象选择分歧的教材、采用分歧的教授教养办法及响应的汉语教员培训都是值得我们研究和剖析的方面。笔者经由过程在泰国一年的汉语教员自愿者阅历,并联合所任教的Kiatikoynvitaya School的现实情形摸索合适泰国小先生的汉语教授教养法。全文分为五章停止评论辩论:第一章为绪论分为三个部门,第一部门为研究配景,第二部门为研究意义,第三部门为文献综述,从汉语作为第二说话教授教养研究、汉语在泰国作为第二说话教授教养研究和泰国小先生汉语教授教养法研究三个方面论述了后人的研究结果。第二章为泰国小学汉语教导概述分为两部门,第一部门引见了泰国汉语教授教养现状及相干研究,第二部门联合笔者所任教授教养校的现实情形论述泰国小先生汉语教导现状,从黉舍的根本概略、课程设置、考察评价、开设汉语课的缘由、汉语教室教授教养及存在的成绩等方面做了具体引见。第三章为剖析泰国小先生的进修特色及其汉语进修念头,整章从心思学的角度剖析了小先生的进修特色,联合实例总结了泰国小先生的五年夜进修特色:模拟才能强、留意力易疏散、对教员的崇敬心思、精神兴旺、“联结”。并剖析了泰国小先生进修汉语的两年夜念头:先生的造诣欲望和进修兴致。第四章为泰国小先生汉语教授教养法的剖析比较研究。笔者联合详细的教授教养内容和教授教养对象对今朝二语习得的几种重要教授教养法(全身反响教授教养法、直接教授教养法、据说教授教养法、“三明治”教授教养法、义务型教授教养法和“侵入式”教授教养法)停止比较剖析,摸索更合适泰国小先生的汉语教授教养法。第五章为建议部门。依据剖析成果,联合泰国小学的汉语教导现状,泰国小先生的进修特色,泰语毕业论文,提出针对泰国小先生汉语教室治理建议。同时针对今朝赴泰汉语教员自愿者的提拔和培训给出了响应的建议。


With the rapid development of society and economy, Chinese international influence is gradually strengthened, the task of carrying out Chinese also became one of the main contents of the national culture soft power construction. In today's global Chinese climax, learning Chinese population is increasing, how to according to the different teaching object choose different materials, the differences of the teaching method and response of Chinese teacher training are worthy of our research and analysis. The author through the process in Thailand a year of Chinese teacher volunteer experience, realities and combined with the teaching of Kiatikoynvitaya school explore suitable little Mr. Thailand Chinese teaching method. The full text is divided into five chapters review debate: first chapter is the introduction is divided into three sectors, the first department as the research background, the second department as the research significance, the third sector is the literature review, from the Chinese as the second language teaching research, Chinese in Thailand as a second language teaching research and Thai students Chinese teaching method research three aspects discusses the research results of later generations. The second chapter for Thailand's primary school Chinese teaching outline is divided into two departments, first Department introduced the Thailand Chinese teaching current situation and relevant research, united the second part the author by the realities of teaching school on little Mr. Thailand Chinese teaching situation, from the schools the basic outline, curriculum settings, investigation, evaluation, offering Chinese courses of reason, Chinese classroom teaching and existing achievement etc. the detailed introduction. Chapter 3 Analysis of the Thai students learning characteristics and their Chinese learning motivation, whole chapter from the psychology angle analysis of the elementary student's learning characteristics, combined with the examples summarizes the little Mr. Thailand five of the eve of the learning characteristics: simulation ability, attention to evacuation, to teacher's worship mind, spiritual prosperity, "connection." And the analysis of the Thailand Mr. learning Chinese at the two thoughts: Mr. attainments and learning interest desire. The fourth chapter is the analysis of Thailand Chinese teaching method of Mr. comparative study. The author combined with the teaching contents and the teaching object of SLA (Second Language Acquisition) of the current several important teaching method (systemic response teaching method, direct teaching method, is said to the teaching method, the "sandwich" teaching method, task-based teaching method and "intrusive" teaching method) stop comparison analysis, explore more suitable little Mr. Thailand approach in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The fifth chapter is the proposal department. According to the analysis results, combined with the status of Chinese teaching in Thailand primary school, Thailand elementary student's learning characteristic, put forward Thailand Mr. small Chinese classroom management advice. At the same time gives the promotion and training today to Thailand Chinese teacher volunteers in response to suggestions.

