
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国素辇皇家大学汉语口语交际教学调研略论The investigation and analysis of Thailand Surin Royal University of Chinese oral communication teaching




Make learners how to use Chinese to stop diplomacy, this is one of the most international education of the Chinese language teaching purposes. Medium and vernacular foreign teaching plays a practice and creating Chinese Mr. expression ability and foreign to the main task is to in the course of Chinese position is especially prominent. In this paper, the achievements of the author in Thailand Surin Royal University ten months of teaching theory, for example, focusing on analysis to discuss the Chinese vernacular foreign teaching faculty "if how to teach" and Mr. "how to learn". This article is divided into five departments, namely: Thai prime chariot Royal College Chinese teaching situation; vernacular foreign teaching contents and methods; Mr. learning state; achievements and lack of; thinking and suggestions. Through several years of theory, Thai prime Royal chariot, of the University of vernacular Chinese foreign teaching already constituted itself characteristics, also to have the obvious teaching result. The duty type teaching method, cooperative learning teaching method, games and Dan teaching method and civilization experience teaching method, has strong pertinence, which is in line with the characteristics of the students. Thailand students tend to "speak" in Chinese, they may play to the conversation class classroom interested in learning Chinese, enthusiasm is very high. However, the school of Chinese vernacular foreign teaching also exist at the same time some significant achievements, which said: the lack of Chinese language teachers, teachers varies greatly; materials varieties of a single, system plan is not enough; teaching facilities lag, teaching funds lack; to Chinese organized divergent, the teaching difficulty is big and so on the aspect. In view of the above situation, the author thinks that the school in the back of the Chinese teaching should strengthen the teachers troops construction; textbooks are compiled applications, the eve of the gang's standard of guiding teaching file; curriculum standard investigation, scientific evaluation of academic achievement value; at the same time, it should strengthen extracurricular theory, the creation of open "big classroom", to fully mobilize students' learning enthusiasm really promotion Mr. Chinese diplomatic skills.


中文摘要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4   绪论   7-11       (一) 问题的提出   7-8       (二) 探讨思路与措施   8-9       (三) 探讨近况及文献综述   9-11   一、 泰国素辇皇家大学汉语教学近况   11-14       (一) 学校基本情况   11-12       (二) 汉语教学情况   12-13       (三) 教材与教学设备情况   13-14   二、 口语交际教学的内容与措施   14-23       (一) 教学内容   14-16           1. 语音教学   14           2. 口语词和口语化惯用表达方式教学   14-15           3. 句子和篇章教学   15           4. 语言知识教学   15-16       (二) 教学措施   16-23           1. 任务型教学法   17-19           2. 合作学习教学法   19-20           3. 游戏和图画教学法   20-21           4. 文化体验教学法   21-23   三、 学生学习状况   23-27       (一) 学生特点   23       (二) 学习动机和态度   23-24       (三) 学习过程与措施   24-25       (四) 学习效果与考核方式   25-27   四、 问题与不足   27-31       (一) 汉语口语教学师资不足,教师水平良莠不齐   27-28       (二) 教材种类繁多,系统规划不够   28-29       (三) 用于口语交际教学的设备相对滞后,教学经费不足   29       (四) 学生汉语口语水平层次不一,教学难度较大   29-31   五、 思考与建议   31-36       (一) 加强师资队伍建设,编制教材、大纲等规范性口语教学指导文件   31       (二) 规范口语课程考核,重视成绩的科学评定   31-33       (三) 加强课外实践,创建开放式的“口语大课堂”   33       (四) 充分调动学生的学习积极性,提升学生的汉语口语交际能力   33-36           1. 注重预习和复习,养成良好的学习习惯   34           2. 加强和汉语教师的沟通   34           3. 充分利用各种机会,多渠道学习汉语口语   34-35           4. 学会比较,找寻学习规律   35-36   结语   36-37   参考文献   37-39   附录 1 素辇皇家大学汉语学习基本情况调查问卷   39-41   附录 2 素辇皇家大学汉语课期末考试卷   41-46   致谢   46  
