
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

汉语课堂教学略论一以泰国猜也奔府伴靠中学高二三班学生为例Analysis by senior middle school students in class three as an example to Thailand with Chaiyaphum Province Chinese classroom teaching




Along with the foreign language teaching development, teaching of Chinese teacher degree request also rises ceaselessly. Chinese teacher teaching level of quality of Chinese teaching quality plays an important role. Then, what kind of course it is a good lesson, this result answer touched the key of Chinese classroom teaching analysis. In this paper the author of Thailand Chaiyaphum province with by middle school three classes of a class as an example, the analysis, so as to improve the teaching level. Analysis of this paper is a review of the debate of the classroom teaching of the ultimately goal is not the teaching do a good or less good concluded that but to application teaching analysis results to response, conditioning and improved the teaching theory of motion. The full text is divided into six parts, the first chapter is the result of the proposed, introduces the research background, foreign language classroom teaching research on static, objectives and significance, research content and methods. Relationship between classroom teaching evaluation of the intrinsic and classroom teaching evaluation and analysis of the second chapter is the analysis of classroom teaching outline, first briefly introduced the classroom teaching of the intrinsic and to the teachers and students of the request; then introduced the classroom teaching analysis of intrinsic and object; again introduced. Originally designed the analysis of classroom teaching process. The third chapter is the preparation stage of classroom teaching analysis, including classroom teaching analysis understand the goals, understand classroom teaching analysis content, understand three aspects of classroom teaching analysis scale. The fourth chapter is the classroom information gathering stage, the author taught a lesson by Thailand Chaiyaphum province with "middle school class three's personal pronouns /" teaching as an example, to produce all kinds of actions in the classroom scene to stop an objective, accurate and specific description, including the teaching with Jing introduction, teaching process and teaching result description in three aspects; the fifth chapter is the analysis of classroom teaching stage, based on Chen Guanglei's "foreign language evaluation target system" mentioned in the eight evaluation contents as the analysis object, the teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching methods and the application of the professor and the teaching process control, classroom teaching organization, teaching skills, homework arrangement and control feedback and the teaching result is analyzed. The sixth chapter is the application of the results of the analysis of classroom teaching, teaching reflection and propose improvement measures in two aspects including. The fifth sector and the sixth sector is the focus of this paper and the crux of the problem.

