广西高校学生二语学习动机的实证调查--以泰语专业为探讨对象 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:宋歌[1] SONG Ge (Xingjian College of Sciences and Liberal Arts, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi 530000, China)


出  处:《河池学院学报》2017年第6期100-105,共6页Journal of Hechi University

基  金:2017年度新世纪广西高等教育教改工程一般项目“面向就业市场的独立学院外语专业学生口译能力的培养--以英语、日语系为探讨对象”(2017JGA420)

摘  要:学习动机在很大程度上作用学习者的学习成效、主动程度以及克服困难的信心,因此对二语学习者学习动机探讨一直是外语教学探讨的重点课题之一。本文将在Dornyei的外语学习动机模式理论及Gardner&Lambert提出的社会心理学模式的基础上,对广西地区高校泰语专业学生进行多维度的学习动机调研。通过对调研结果的实证略论,试图寻找到真正作用广西区内学生泰语学习动机的因素,期望能为现有的泰语教学模式和人才培养模式提供一些参考和借鉴。Learning motivation has a significant influence on learners' learning achievement,active learning and confidence of overcoming difficulties,so the study of second language learners' motivation has been one of the important topics in foreign language teaching and research. On the basis of Dornyei's mode of forting language learning theory and motivation and social psychology model proposed by Gardner Lambert,this article will research the Thai- speaking students' learning motivation in colleges in Guangxi region. The author tries to find the real factors that affect Thai- speaking students' learning motivation in order to make some reference and suggestions to the existing Thai teaching model and the development of talent training model in Guangxi Region.

关 键 词:泰语 
