泰国学生汉语语音偏误及应对策略 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:吴福秀 Wu Fuxiu


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第34期36-37,62共3页

基  金:本文为笔者在泰国玛哈沙拉坎大学孔子学院任教期间成果.

摘  要:泰国学生语音偏误主要集中在以下几个方面:一是声母z、c、s和zh、ch、sh、r、h的发音难度较大;二是韵母撮口音u、y的发音不准确,韵母ue、uan、un等发音存在的问题也较突出;三是,二声和三声的发音特别容易混淆,三声的发音不够高,四声的发音过长.针对泰国学生汉语发音问题,我们可采用形象展示、感触法、话筒传音、拓展带音、比较法、夸张法、互动纠音、滚练法等综合训练,能取得事半功倍的效果.The pronunciation errors of Thai students are mainly as follows: it is hard for them to pronounce such initial conso- nants as z, c, s and zh, ch, sh, r, h; their pronunciation of such simple vowels as u and y are inaccurate, and their problems in pronouncing such compound vowels as ue, uan and un are also acute; they often confuse the pronunciation of rising tone with that of falling-rising tone, and their pronunciation of falling-ris- ing tone is low, while the pronunciation of falling tone is too long. In view of the above problems, we can use integrated training with multiple methods, in order to achieve multiple effects.

关 键 词:语音教学 泰国 汉语发音 应对策略 
