非汉语环境下汉语教学中的交际任务--以泰国中学汉语教学为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:孙红娟 朱志平 SUN Hongjuan, ZHU Zhiping


出  处:《国际汉语教学探讨》2017年第3期67-75,共9页International Chinese Teaching and Research

基  金:泰国中学汉语教学标准与课程大纲研发”系国家汉办项目“泰国中学高质量汉语课程体系探讨”(汉办财通[2017]809号)子项目之一,该项目由泰国教育部提出意向,中国国家汉办立项,北京师范大学汉语国际推广新师资培养基地承担研发,本文为上述项目的探讨成果之一;中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“海外中小学汉语课程标准探讨”(SKZZY2017014)和“海外中小学汉语教学探讨”(SZZB2017003)的支持

摘  要:21世纪汉语教学以培养交际能力为目标,交际任务的设计日益受到教学探讨者与教师的关注。本文以泰国中学汉语教学为例,讨论了交际任务及其在汉语教学课程大纲中的影响,包括细化总教学目标、关联句型及语言要素、确定交际技能目标以及将文化要素融入语言教学中等;交际任务的设计受到语言环境、学习者情况及HSK的制约。本文认为交际任务设计应按照话题进行分类,并指出可以通过对单一交际任务进行"复合"来实现交际任务难度的提升。The cultivation of communication skills has become the goal of Chinese language teaching in the 21 st century, and the designing of Chinese communicative tasks is drawing increasing attention from Chinese language teaching researchers and teachers alike. Taking Chinese teaching in secondary schools in Thailand as an example, this article discusses communicative tasks and their functions in the Chinese curriculum, including subdivision of general instructional objectives, related sentence patterns and language elements, identification of target communication skills, and integration of cultural elements into language teaching, etc. As the designing of communicative tasks is subject to such factors as language environment, students’ conditions and HSK, this article holds that communicative tasks should be classified by topic and that the difficulty of a communicative task can be increased by "combining"several single tasks.

关 键 词:交际任务 交际能力 中学汉语教学 课程大纲 
