
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:洪洁[1] 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第3期40-45,共6页

基  金:教育部人文社会科学探讨项目“语法化视阈下日语名词+だ’结构分化机制探讨”(15YJC740026); 江苏省高校哲学社会科学探讨项目“日语名词语法化机制探讨”(2017SJB014); 南京邮电学院人文社会科学基金项目“日语句末名词的用法和功能变化”(NYS213014)的阶段性成果

摘  要:本文以「もの」为中心,从语法化的观点出发,考察了形式名词的语法化现象形式名词「もの」发生语法化的最大动因是其意义的淡化,与「だ」结合用于句尾时往往语法化为助动词。助动词「ものだ」可以表达"本质属性""命令""回想"和"感叹"的意义。这四个意义并非同时产生,而是经历了一定的演变过程。四种意义用法中的「ものだ」按照"本质属性→命令、回想→感叹"的顺序,语法化程度依次升高。Taking " もの "(thing) as an example, this paper studies the grammaticalization of Japanese formal nouns. The biggest cause of the grammaticalization of " もの " is its weakening meaning. " もの " often changes into an auxiliary verb when it is combined with " だ " and used at the end of a sentence. The auxiliary verb " ものだ "can help express four meanings: "essential attributes", "instructing", "recalling" and "exclamation". The four meanings did not occur at the same time, but have experienced a certain evolution process. The grammaticalization degree of " ものだ " increases in accordance with the order of "essential attributes → instructing, recalling → exclamation".

关 键 词:形式名词 「もの」 语法化 动因 过程 

分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语]
