
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘艳伟[1] 赵圣花[1] 刘玉琴[1] LIU Yanwei, ZHAO Shenghua, LIU Yuqin (School of Software,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116624,China)


出  处:《辽宁师范学院学报:自然科学版》2017年第4期491-497,共7页Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Natural Science Edition)

基  金:教育部人文社会科学探讨规划基金项目(13YJA740039);辽宁省教育科学“十二五”规划项目(JG14DB090)

摘  要:基于日本国立国语探讨所和 L ag o 语言探讨所共同开发的日语在线检索系统N LB对近义词「小さい」和「小さな」后续名词的词配差异进行了考察。通过对N LB系统自动呈现的各词配的频数、M I值和LD值的略论,得出以下结论:(1)与「小さい」「小さな」搭配均显著的名词有「子供」「声」「女の子」「虫」,日语毕业论文,二者语感的区别在于,前者为客观表述,日语毕业论文,后者则包含爱心、眷恋等心理倾向;(2)与「小さい」搭配显著的名词多表年龄、成长的意义,如:「頃/ころ」「とき」「お子さん」「娘」等;(3)与「小さな」搭配显著的名词多表示形态、容量的大小,如「町」「花」「穴」「村」「店」「島」等,「小さな」修饰名词,主要用于对对象的心理倾向,特别是对形态小的事物暗示爱心或眷恋。The similarities and differences of the nouns usage in 「小さ い」 and「小さ な」 collocations are studied based on the Online Japanese Retrieval System NLB ,which is developed by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Lago Institute for Language .By analyzing the frequencies of each word collocations ,MI values and LD values ,we draw the following conclusions :(1) The nouns collocate with 「小さ い」 and「小さ な」are「子供」「声」「女の子」「虫」 ,and their differences are that the former collocations are objective statements ,w hile the latter include love ,cherish and other psy‐chological tendencies .(2) The nouns collocate with 「小さ い」are usually related to ages and growth , such as :「頃/こ ろ」「と き」「お子さ ん」「娘」 and so on .(3)The nouns collocate with 「小さ な」 are usually connected with the shape ,size ,capacity ,such as「町」「花」「穴」「村」「店」「島」 and so on . Moreover ,「小さ な」 modifies nouns to show the psychological tendencies for the objects ,especially love or attachment for things in small shapes .

关 键 词:NLB 词配 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
