
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:邢修强[1] 宋鑫婧[2] XING Xiuqiang, SONG Xinjing(1. School of Foreign Language, Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan, Shandong, 250357, China; 2. School of Foreign Language and Literature, Chongqing University of Edueation, Nan' an, Chongqing 400065, China )

机构地区:[1]山东交通大学外国语大学,山东济南250357 [2]重庆第二师范大学外国语言文学系,重庆南岸400065

出  处:《重庆文理大学学报》2017年第6期72-75,共4页Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

摘  要:授受表现日语表达中的一大特色,也是日语教学实践中的一大重点和难点.在「てもらう 」「てくれる」「てあげる」的三组最基本的表达方式中,不仅要考虑恩惠的移动方向,还要时刻注意到说话者和听话者以及和授受表现中涉及到的第三者的联系,给我们日语学习者和教学工作者带来了不少的困惑.那么如何从认识本源上解读授受表现,不仅对我们的日语教学而且对我们更好地理解日本人的语言意识有着非常重要的影响.本文拟从认知语言学的视角,利用主观识解的理论对授受表现进行剖析,阐释了日本人在语言表达时对事态采取的情景投入式的事态把握方式.The giving-and-receiving structure is a key style of Japanese language which is also a difficult topic in Japanese language teaching. In the using of the three expressions of 「てもらう 」「てくれる」「てあげる」, not only the giver and receiver should be taken into consideration but the relationship among the speaker, listener and the third person in the use of the structure should be kept in mind, which is also a tough work for Japanese teachers and learners. What matters most in the teaching and deep understanding of Japanese language is the understanding of the mode of thinking rooted in the structure. This paper shall analyze the structure in a way of cognitive linguistics, applying the theory of subjective construal, presenting a Japanese expres- sion of contextual projection.

关 键 词:授受表现 主观识解 自我中心 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
