
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:韦少敏[1] WEI Shao-min(Department of Applied Foreign Languages,Zhaoqing Business & Technology College,Zhaoqing 526020,Guangdong,China)


出  处:《韶关大学学报》2017年第7期 89-94,共6页Journal of Shaoguan University(Social Science Edition)

摘  要:商务电话应对是商务礼仪中不可缺少的一部分,具有只能通过声音和语言为媒介进行交际的特点。在日本,有关商务礼仪的诸多讲座、培训及各大企业对新进社员的培训项目中,商务电话交际技巧都作为重要的内容独立归类。特别是与联系公司之间的社外商务电话应对礼仪和技巧往往代表着公司的形象及个人的品性,甚至联系到公司的业务发展。因此在「マナー」「言葉遣いの丁寧さ」方面有其独特之处和更高的要求。以社外商务电话应对为中心探寻商务日语交际的语用要点具有相当的实用性和代表性。Business phone conversations,which focus on communication via voice and language,is an integral part of business etiquette.In Japan,competence in business phone communication is,in fact,classified as a vital component in lectures and training programs on business etiquette as well as in the orientation training projects of large companies.The etiquette and competence of external business phone conversations,especially between related companies,do not only represent the corporate image and a person’s ethics but also have an impact on the growth of a business.Therefore,special attention and higher requirements are expected in etiquette and the politeness of diction.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
